About Me

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Hi, Welcome to my Blog. I'm an eclectic kind of crafter delving into many pots. I am just about managing to keep up my Scrapbooking Diary (usually about 6 months behind), plus any cards as required. I have a new found love of Watercolour and Bible Journaling plus recently Faith/Art Journaling too. I've challenged myself to make an art journal page a day for this my 60th year. Previously I've also dabbled in ATCs, Tags, Altered Books, Mixed Media, Décopatch, Knitting, Crochet, and Embroidery amongst other things. I live in Surrey, UK with my husband, our son has left home now. For exercise I usually play Badminton and go Ballroom and Latin Dancing. I also like walking/Geocaching and sometimes do a bit of Bouncing on my Rebounder (mini trampoline). I have been learning to play the harp for the past 10yrs. I am now officially retired. I am a born again Christian, currently worshiping at my local Vineyard Church.

Wednesday 23 October 2024

WOYWW #803 - Ah the desk - Back in Order

Post Conference I am happy to say the desk is back in order.

I didn't get into too much of a pickle this year and therefore didn't need to sleep in the spare room. 
Sorry for not visiting anyone last week as it's been mighty hectic, I hope to do better this week.

I have condensed the 27 conference pages into collages to save space, however you can find each day with links on my previous 3 blog posts.
Day ONE link - 8 sessions

Esther, Accusers, Anna, Mary of Bethany, The Magnificat, Hagar, 

Eve and Leah....

Day TWO link - 9 sessions

Jehosheba, Miriam, Widow of Zarepheth, Rahab, 

Abigail, Huldah, Elizabeth, Eunice & Lois and Deborah.

Day THREE link - 10 sessions


Mary Magdalene, Woman - Go in Peace, Naomi, Woman of Valour, Sarah, Rebekah, 

and finally Martha, Ruth and the Woman with the bleeding disorder.

What you can see on my desk is the beginning of a 10 day course of More Women of the Word with Devotion in Action and water colouring in my Bibles. 

Here is Miriam now transposed into my Bible.

Also the first new one of Jairus's daughter, who was raised from the dead.

I haven't forgotten my daily journal and have used up conference extras.

The bottom one is an extra printable about Esther.

Top one is a mish mash of various day's elements which I liked.

The bottom one an extra page from Lynn Grobler. I have since joined her FB group as I really like the artwork and devotions.

Top a devotion on The Attributes of God as the 2nd part of The Magnificat presentation which I didn't get round to on the day.

Bottom the strap line from the Hagar presentation about our God being the God Who Sees no matter what circumstances we find ourselves in and knowing He is there to comfort us at all times.

Monday's page is from an extra sheet on the Widow of Zarapheth session about God's Love not running dry. 

Used my new Autumn Posca pens on this one.

Happy WOYWW Everyone.


Felix the Crafty Cat said...

I don't know how you do it, you always get so much done. Have a good woyww and hugs too, Angela x10x

Lunch Lady Jan said...

I’m glad you got a lot out of the conference and admire how much you’ve got done this week, lovely colours everywhere!
Hugs LLJ 6 xx

Mary Anne said...

Goodness me! That is astonishing - and not at all surprising you may have missed a few desks LOL! Wonderful work and all so very you!
Knitting again…
Happy WOYWW.
Mary Anne (4)

Helen said...

Wow, such an impressive output. You were really inspired. Great pages Happy woyww Helen #2

Diana Taylor said...

Wow, what a beautiful collection of work and you achieved so much in just one week - it must have been a very inspirational conference.
Hope you have a good week,
Diana xx #12

Crafting With Jack said...

Great celebration of faith art. Have a great week. Angela #11

Neet said...

I cannot get over how much you have done in one week. You have such a beautiful collection from your week of faith and I love your Bible painting
Hugs, Neet xx

Morti said...

Happy WOYWW - the art journalling is lovely.

Morti #15

Lindart said...

Wow, amazing work! Miriam is my favourite! She looks so happy and joyful (mind you, I have no idea who she is!). Have a great week, Lindart #16