About Me

- BJ
- Hi, Welcome to my Blog. I'm an eclectic kind of crafter delving into many pots. I am just about managing to keep up my Scrapbooking Diary (currently a year behind!), plus any cards as required. As my Carpal Tunnel allows I am getting into yarn/fabric crafts with slow stitching and needle felting added to my list. I continue with my love of Watercolour and Bible Journaling plus Faith/Art Journaling with acrylics and inks. I completed my challenge to make an art journal page a day for my 60th year in 2024. My list of crafty exploits includes ATCs, Tags, Altered Books, Mixed Media, Décopatch, Knitting, Crochet, and Embroidery. I live in Surrey, UK with my husband, our son has left home now. For exercise I usually play Badminton and go Ballroom and Latin Dancing. I also like Walking/Geocaching. I have been learning to play the harp for the past 10yrs. I am now officially retired. I am a born again Christian, currently worshiping at my local Evangelical Church.
Wednesday, 31 July 2024
WOYWW #791 - Boaz
Wednesday, 24 July 2024
WOYWW #790 - Tip-in vs Tip-out
I think that a "tip-in" is where the attached flap stays within the bounds of the journal pages when it is flipped but a "tip-out" goes outside the bounds of the pages/book/journal.
So here's my desk after doing yesterday's page with the "tip-in". I got lots of stuff out and am trying to use up what I have really.
Days 16 & 17 - floral & agedThe floral spray is on the top of a pocket which I made out of some handmade paper. (tag below)
Aged with coffee and inks, what a surprise.
Days 18 & 19 - free & tagFree is bits and pieces which were "free" from packaging etc. and low and behold the word "free" was actually on this page from the construction music paper, couldn't have planned that.
The tag used stamps as a background but I didn't want to cover mine up! (tag back below).
Days 20 & 21 - picture & coloursI already had a picture on the page from the construction, so went with that. Adding the bee and more flowers.
For colours I used various parts of Casey Turner's art which I love, again long before the video materialised.
Days 22 & 23 - timeless & tip-in
Really could have done with video for timeless as I couldn't get past using clocks. Loving the black circles from another page so did that again.
So to yesterday's page and the tip-in. I've had this journal card for ages and it cried out for a home.
I made the circle flowers the previous night just as an experiment. Looks like I had a thing for 3's on this page....Day 16 - pocket tag ( I journaled my carpal tunnel steroid injection journey to date on the back. It's even better this week)Day 19 - tag back
Day 23 - tip-in back - 3 butterflies 3 flowers!
I did my Bible Journaling water colour which was based on Saul/Paul. It didn't quite go to plan over the page crease as the paper shrinks and crinkles when wet and dries not quite as you wish.
Earlier in the week I did a Faith Journaling page using Day 13's process Video by Casey Turner, I love her artwork and just have to have a go.
The prompt was Light.
The light shineth in the darkness but the darkness comprehended it not. John 1:5
I made a couple of cards for my friend's birthday and her daughter's graduation which are both tomorrow!
And I brought home some ribbons and bangles home from church which need sewing...Tried with sewing machine but difficult to get close enough and the ribbons are all shiny and slippy. I think I will be doing them by hand and in a single go rather than each one separately.
Happy WOYWW Everyone.
Wednesday, 17 July 2024
WOYWW #789 - Journaling : Bible, Faith, Art and Junk...
There's a pile of old books from a jumble sale for the journaling. I also got some embroidered napkins, a twine set, sun charms, necklace and a china mask which I couldn't resist.
But first up is Sunday's talk about prayer and the Lord's Prayer in particular from Luke 11. Our pastor gave us his version and each part of the prayer was associated with a colour, hence the bead chain.We were given Prayer Journals and booklets plus there were colouring pages but I think the beads went down the best.
I did Bible Journaling Ministries monthly free mini kit page for July about Keeping the Faith Fire Burning.
The girl image used on the FI page is from the new facebook group Fussy Cut Freebies which has a wealth of free images to use.
#JunkJournalJuly. I have finished one side of my no-sew (concertina) journal, loving how the pages flow together so tried to get a shot of it all - not easy...New pages are:-Day 10 & 11 - threads and stamps.
So pleased to be able to sew again, really ought to get some sewn clusters done whilst the going's good and I have no idea how long this steroid injection will work for.
I used some lip balm packaging as the tag, tissue to cover the envelope. A a strepsils blister pack for the large circle stamping and bubble wrap for the smaller.
The word SUN was already on the right side so added the theme word of light. The sun charm and bead string were from the jumble finds.
Day 14 & 15 - weather and handmade.These day's videos weren't really working for me, so I used a rainbow stencil and with a few rain drops and clouds for weather. The butterflies were added extras and now thinking one would look good on the right hand page too... (done!).
Busy day yesterday so used one of the #JJJ freebie pictures and some NEW handmade water colour leaves which I did this week on scrap water colour paper.Yes another thing I am able to do without major pain and/or numbness is "Fussy Cutting" whoop whoop.
Wednesday, 10 July 2024
WOYWW #788 - Even More Journaling
Here's the old desk - had more fun with the use up the paint sheet than the actual journaling - LOL.
This weeks pages have either been very simple or totally tiresome.
Day 03 - Fold
Made the butterfly folded pop-up which was fun. Used up some old magazine butterflies too.
Day 05 - Lettering - what it says on the tin
Day 06 - Wildlife - Aaarrhhh!!! Loads of reiterations but ended up with gesso coffee and hand drawn leaves like Helen's stamps.
Day 07 - Window - Ring already on the page, with magazine picture. Added some paint and made the flowers like Cindy's on my ATC this year.
Day 09 - Scraps - not got around to it at time of writing my blog....
EDIT did it quickly before bed last night
I'm holding on to that.
Wednesday, 3 July 2024
WOYWW #787 - Such a Relief
Recently back from Asda shopping, so there's my list and receipt (back to school stationary is due in Friday btw).
My Medical Journal so I can record stuff. After a few days of horrid wrist pain following the steroid injection for the Carpal Tunnel, I can report that the numbness/severe tingling has reduced to very mild tingling with the odd electric shock in my thumb. But I am sleeping better and can do stuff again, like play my harp. Whoop Whoop.Yesterday was hubby's 68th birthday and I actually made the card in time, which was interesting with a very sore wrist!We went geocaching and got 16 caches to complete a new circuit near us.
I completed the June journal, here are the last 5 pages of that.
Think this one shows the wrist pain perfectly. Totally reminded me of when I had the surgery on the other hand in 2021, relieved it was only 3-4 days of that as opposed to weeks....
I'd been having some issues with a church group and a close friend helped me leave it "gracefully".... and breathe.
Pink Blossom, just because.
The last page is a bit of a mish-mash just grabbed images and words which spoke to me. Compass dial - new direction maybe. Tulips are for perfect and deep love apparently. The little hexagonal summer house, sanctuary, safety perhaps. The words just are what they are I suppose.
Anyway I did a flip through of my whole June Journal to my harp music and it's on You Tube here
Only having done 2 pages so far I am finding the base journal is doing a lot of the work which is giving me more time - I guess.
So I am following #JunkJournalJuly2024 where there is a prompt/video each day, published at 4pm. I'm kinda watching and doing my own thing ish.Day 1 : Spark - someone gave the little match book, hoping it was someone here who will recognise it, great to use it somewhere special.
Day 2 : Post Card - Technique of card piercing and used some on my plasterers mesh tape. Chris and I walked through poppy fields yesterday so it means a lot to me.
As they are concertina pages I'm sort of trying to make them flow into each other, we'll see how that goes through the month...But definitely loving this new type of journal.Can't believe it is way past lunch time before I get this posted - oh my life...
Happy WOYWW Everyone.