Feeling a bit discombobulated this week. Not been sitting at my desk that much so little crafting but at the same time little SAD light time so who knows. Main reason for avoiding room is the heat of the day again! I just don't function well in the heat at all.
Desk does feature a new little basket for my paints and pens and yes I did splash out for the standard colours of the Posca Pens!
I scrapped a couple more pages last Friday, then it stopped there, the next lot sitting on my desk for inspiration.
I did make another little tag book (fodder school style with a stapler) to put all the doodle lines and shapes in as I come across them and to give me inspiration when I need it later on.
Last Thursday, badminton was cancelled as not enough players so I finished my Scripture52 card and went on to do a page in my new Bible for the same scripture.
“He who began a good work in you will bring it to completion at the day of Jesus Christ” (Phil. 1:6).
I found the flower on the internet and sort of traced it from my PC screen before transferring it to my Bible page, water colouring and choosing some text. Pretty pleased how it turned out.
Loving these small full pages, not having to avoid text too.
So this was all last Thursday and Friday.
The only other vaguely crafty things I have done since is dye my hair and replace 2 strings on my harp.
Not played my harp for months, long before the first string broke back in July! Finally got around to replacing it only to find a 2nd had gone too. All back in working order and re-learning my few favourite pieces again.
Good morning BJ 💛 you are gorgeous 💜 I'm hoping the days ahead finds you less discombobulated with the days being cooler 🙏 Always such beauty to find between your journals and layouts ❤️ loving your fodder tag book 💛💕 adore your bible page with the flower🌈❤️ Hugging you close, wishing you good things in the days ahead with much love and hugs Tracy #15 xxx
I can totally relate to the heat. I also don't function in heat. I really just want to sit under the AC when it's this hot. I suspect you don't have that option.
Your scrapbook pages are great and I love the little fodder tag holder. I was really impressed with Growth. I especially was drawn to the black corners you created and the little flower. Speaking of flowers, great job on the tracing and coloring that flower in your Bible journal.
BTW, I am SO envious of all those Posca pens. Lucky you! Happy WOYWW from # 7.
I feel so lucky our house stays so cool in the summer but sometimes I walk outside with a jacket on and only then to I realize it's freakin' HOT out LOL! Also lucky that it doesn't get so very cold in the winter either, cause THAT is expensive. Love seeing your scrapping every week!
Have a happy WOYWW!
Mary Anne (3)
Making quick visits as hubby is off work. Happy WOYWW. Sarah #17
Loving the picture of you with the harp! Glad you've got it all stringed together agaihn! Those little tag books are cute and so simple - thinking I must just sit and make a few but so much else going on and now I am in a south facing room it gets a little too hot for me in the afternoons as well!! Still, probably a sign I should be outside enjoying the garden. Have a wonderful week, love n hugs Cindyxx #16
Well done on getting back to the harp . Hope you cope better when it cools down soon . Happy woyww. Helen #8
This heat!!! stops me from sleeping as well as it irritates the Lichens if you know what I mean . .
Love your hair, it is soooo bright and cheerful . . .
Create and enjoy
Christine #19
I don’t do heat either! Hope you start to feel better soon though, your lovely bright hair must be guaranteed to make you smile each day!! I’m glad you’re playing your harp too, it’s too beautiful an instrument to be left standing.
Hugs LLJ 2 xx
I absolutely understand how you feel, I don't manage well with the heat either and get headache if I'm not careful. Hope you feel better soon. Bet you're pleased to be able to get back to using your harp again. I strted learning to use the saxaphone and then other things got in the way but must get back to it sometime. Loving the hair colour it really suits you. Wishing you a happy and creative woyww, Angela x14x
Great photo of your hair color! I've been threatening to do that with my hair but so far I haven't jumped in. Well done you!
Glenda #17
I don't think I was in any doubt that you'd end up forking out for the other Posca pens! Still, it's not as if you won't use them. I wonder if there is a correlation between the amount of time at your desk and SAd light and the mood you're in. Probably, especially if you don't like the heat so stay out of the sunshine and don't get your daily allowance. I have a couple of those baskets and realised very quickly that I could make a hobby out of finding things that needed a basket too, so reigned myself in! Hope you feel a bit more like yourself in the coming week.
Love your scripture art. I found a similar Bible to yours, I think it’s the same series as my Psalms book. I am on Psalm 97 now. Love the flower you traced. A belated happy WOYWW. Angela #2
Do you know I never gave it a thought! I deleted the picture x
I was glad you mentioned it - it isn’t something I would normally 🥰. Absolutely no offence taken xx
Love the dyed hair!
So pleased to hear your harp is up and running again...
And I love the tag book!
Happy WOYWW! Susan #11
loving the tag book and your hair looks fabulous. Well done on replacing the strings on the harp, one instrument I have never played, looks very complicated so I take my hat off to you! thanks for visiting my desk already
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