Relief - We're back with Julia today - Horrah.
Thanks to Jan for hosting these past few weeks.

Inspiration - I was so taken by my anniversary ATC from Diana Taylor (on the left) that I had a go making one like it, I blogged that earlier in the week here > Flower Study.

Inspiration - The ATC led me to a journal page which I have dedicated to all those who lost their lives in Nice last week, what a tragedy!

Inspiration - Made a few birthday cards this week, well added numbers to previously made cards.
Also received a gorgeous Celestial SWAP card (below) and can show you mine too.

Relief - Had my ear irrigated yesterday and the nurse did it in a jiffy. So much better than my experience last year which left me with an ear infection.
Relief - Some of you might remember I hadn't been too well of late. Well after three weeks (yes 3) of a heavy period, making me house bound, I finally "bit the bullet" and since Monday I am on medication (Norethisterone) which has nearly stopped it! Horrah. It is only a 10 day course so we'll have to see what my peri-menopausal body decides to do next, but it sure is a relief for now, especially in this hot weather.
Relief - I'm seeing a surgeon about my Carpal Tunnel this evening too.
Oh and you might have noticed a couple of scrap pages on the go too. I lacked inspiration for those so am using some papers and various ready made bits and bobs too from collections for a change.
So yes Relief & Inspiration all round this week, and if you made it this far, congratulations!
Happy WOYWW everyone.
Morning BJ. You have been SO industrious! I haven't had much oomph to do anything in all this heat - but well done you! Glad you are feeling better - I do understand - a 2year long period was horrendous!!! Hope things sort out for you - and that you get on well this evening with the specialist.
Take care. God bless.
Margaret #5
FAB post today,liking the pix. Stifling here too, stay cool!
Thank you for visiting mine already. You sound to have had a busy week. Lovely craft and creating. Hope your health problems sort out soon. Big hugs,
Annie x #12
Your flower pages are beautiful, I love the subtle textured background, just so perfect for the flowers. It sounds like you've been having a rough time, I hope you get it sorted out soon, I've been on Norethisterone for the last few years and I call it my miracle drug!
Hope you have a good week and thanks for mention,
Diana x #22
Super flower pages inspired by Diana. I remember being trussed up like a turkey for several months glad your bad days will soon be behind you esp. In this weather ...phew still cooking here. Have a cool week x Jackie 18
Good lord..you have been busy! Loving the look of all of use makes..glad you made good use of the time you spent housebound and that you now have some relief! Elaine no. 15
With all you have going on and after your comment where you mentioned having your gum drilled I won't bother telling you about my bad night and pain now. Don't read my Journal blog tomorrow is all I can say.
Love the atc you made and the further inspiration for the pages for Nice. Such a tragedy, makes one want to reach out to them all.
Hugs and thanks for your visit, Neet xx2
Happy WOYWW - and so much inspiration on your post. I tried Pokemon Go (at the age of 45 - to the amazement of hubby), but could not find any in our rural area (although it kept saying there were some nearby - they must mean in the next big village, which is 7 miles away!). Will give it a go again when I am next in town - and look like a crazy middle-aged woman (which I am!). I am also in Peri-menopause. Can go for weeks/months without a period, and then just when I am thinking that I can put away my cloth pads for ever, then a period starts! I did bleed for 9 days and was about to go to my doctor, but then it stopped. Periods are more painful too - and PMT seems to last for weeks. Isn't life great?! Crafting is such a fabulous distraction. Ali x #30
Hi BJ, what a busy week you've had- I'm tired just reading it! I can sympathise with the menstrual issue- I once had one, whilst I was pre menopausal, which lasted 5 weeks, Horrible. First and only time in my life that I was anaemic when I went to give blood. To be fair though, I have to say other than that I pretty much sailed through with no other problems, unlike many, so I'm grateful for that. Lovely lot of artwork on your desk I see, and I agree, Diana's ATC was gorgeous. Have a great week, Hugs, Shaz #3
Wow you've been so busy! You've made such lovely creations.
Have a great week
Sharon K #37
Lots of fun stuff going on here this week. Such awesome stuff. Glad the medicine has stopped your flow. Mine keeps getting heavier and longer the older I get. Once I had a cycle a week break and then a cycle and then back to normal. The joys of getting older, Hurray! Happy Wednesday, LisaDV #33.
Gosh, you have been busy! I love the ATC with the flower and you did a good job of copying that. Your celestial cards are lovely too.
I'm sorry to hear you have women's problems. I'm so glad I sailed through the menopauyse with just a few hot flushes. I did take HRT for a while and I strongly believe that caused my breast cancer. So I don't recommend it, (although it made me feel on top of the world).
I had to google Pokémon Go. I don't think it's popular here yet (rural Spain) but at least I now know what it is. Have fun!
Have a great week,
Gorgeous ATC and love the journal page too. Hope you are feeling much better soon. Have a great woyww, Angela x 19
Hi BJ, I get Carpal Tunnel and have to wear a hand brace when it flares up. I also use a special mouse mat that holds my wrist up.
You have been busy with your pretty ATCs and journal page.
I hope Mother Nature soon slings her hook. I do believe you have to tell her in no uncertain terms to leave and never come back. I have tried this approach and she does indeed leave for a bit, but then creeps back in when you let your guard down.
Thanks for stopping by my blog.
Sue #6
oh crikey... hope the medication helps. you've had a very busy week for all that and love what you've been up to! Helen #4
lovely ATC's and cards there too! i hope you have caught lots of pokemon! Lea #50
I hope you get your medical woes taken care of soon, I went thru the bleeding as well, I understand the inconvenience & discomfort. Your work is beautiful. have a blessed day, donna #41
Wow you've been busy. Great post. Dorlene #43
Oh no Pokémon have fun with that. You've been a busy girl happy WOYWW hugs Nikki 1
I think it's great that you're having fun with Pokemon Go - why shouldn't us more mature ladies have fun with it too :-)
I loved Diana's ATC too so am not surprised that you had a go, it looks great!
Hugs, LLJ 11 xx
Fab creations! You have been busy. Lovely flower pages!!
Happy Creating!!
you have been so busy :) I hope the meds are helping. ~Stacy #44
Hi BJ, you have been busy, this weather makes me struggle to find inspiration, but I love the original ATC and your copy of it, very pretty.
Well done.
Thanks for visiting my wrong link and persevering to the correct one.
Chris #27 finally.
Gracious BJ, you put up with it for far longer than I would have. I no longer have the problem but was given Tranexamic Acid on a repeat prescription for self medicating to stop my horrid periods. It's a naturally occurring acid that closes blood vessels, and was so so helpful. I hope that you're a lot more comfortable now! I'm loving that you were so inspired by Diana's work, I'm sure she'll be enormously flattered!
love how one thing leads to another, lovely remembrance of a tragic day, but your page is delicate and hopeful. Happy WOYWW from Vicky #34
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