Thank you to everyone who commented on my post last week. Apologies for not replying but the bad back is stopping me spending any amount of time at my desk which includes crafting unfortunately :(
I did manage to make my February ATC swap yesterday but paid the price afterwards. It's hidden as my partner
(Sue) is a WOYWWer.
Anyway on my desk you'll see my birthday gift from one of my UKPC members. I think the piece is absolutely divine. It has been left for me to decorate/finish off as I choose so any suggestions would be appreciated.

I glued the fastener to my trinket box yesterday, not sure silicone glue was the best but it was all I had to hand.
The Starry Starry Night is my new cover to my tablet which I got from my son for my Birthday.
So Medical Update
I have an appointment with an Osteopath on Friday for my back.
I had a blood test on 14th for my lady trouble. I got the results the following day, on my birthday, only to be told I had low iron but they couldn't tell if I was anaemic as my blood count vial had lost its label. GP offered iron tablets but I refused and have been eating spinach, pistachios and of course dark chocolate - going for another test in a month's time.
Have my ultrasound appointment for 1st March, hope I can drive by then.
As for the very expensive Orthotics - they still cause problems but I haven't been able to wear-in due to bad back.
If you have made it this far, well done and thank you. Back is giving me jip sitting here so I best post this now.