About Me

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Hi, Welcome to my Blog. I'm an eclectic kind of crafter delving into many pots. I am just about managing to keep up my Scrapbooking Diary (currently a year behind!), plus any cards as required. As my Carpal Tunnel allows I am getting into yarn/fabric crafts with slow stitching and needle felting added to my list. I continue with my love of Watercolour and Bible Journaling plus Faith/Art Journaling with acrylics and inks. I completed my challenge to make an art journal page a day for my 60th year in 2024. My list of crafty exploits includes ATCs, Tags, Altered Books, Mixed Media, Décopatch, Knitting, Crochet, and Embroidery. I live in Surrey, UK with my husband, our son has left home now. For exercise I usually play Badminton and go Ballroom and Latin Dancing. I also like Walking/Geocaching. I have been learning to play the harp for the past 10yrs. I am now officially retired. I am a born again Christian, currently worshiping at my local Evangelical Church.

Wednesday, 10 November 2021

WOYWW#649 - One of those Moments.

Here's my desk earlier this week when everything just came together for a LO. I still managed 5 photos.

It was a moment when dies just jumped off the shelf begging to be used.

Then I did a simple page of 6 of hubby's landscapes. 

He is much more interested in the photos than what I do with the page, so he just got titles!
Earlier still I did a couple of pages where the colours were based on the month word (MAY) I had just cut from an old calendar.

I got to showcase all the lower case "h's" I have from my 16 Alphabet sets in the hearing test page.

Finally a Garden in May page with 9 photos no less. 

Then a tribute to a family friend's son who tragically died back in June at 21yrs. We live nextdoor to his Grandma and had known him since he was days old. He was 7 months younger than my son, so they grew up together. I met him first "over the wall" and last saw him when we all played badminton.  I'm still shedding tears for such a beautiful soul to leave us so soon.

"For Owen"

Happy WOYWW Everyone.


Sarah Brennan said...

So sorry to hear about Owen BJ. Such a tragedy when people die so young. Love the latest pages though and Owen's is a great tribute. Stay safe and Happy WOYWW. Sarah #1

Lunch Lady Jan said...

I think the page you did for Owen was wonderful, a properly good tribute to him - too young to die, that’s so sad. I’m glad your crafting has helped.
Hugs LLJ 5 xx

Lynnecrafts said...

So sorry to hear about Owen, BJ. That’s a lovely tribute to him.
Take care
Lynnecrafts 12

Annie said...

Thanks for popping over to mine earlier and for your lovely comments.
So sorry to hear your sad news...that's so young. Love your pages.
Annie x #7

Neet said...

So sad to read about that young man. My friend buries her son on Monday, it is such a shame when these things happen.
Your other LO's are wonderful, I like how your husband just get headings but as long as it showcases his photos I guess it is fine. Love the Foxy Lady LO, what a lovely idea.
Hugs, Neet 3 xx

Diana Taylor said...

Your layouts are beautiful, especially the one for Owen - what sad news - you've made a lovely tribute to him. You've just stirred some long ago memories of Box Hill - we used to go there as children quite often and I'd forgotten all about it until I saw your label. Your husband's photos are lovely.
Hope your hand is on the mend and better than last week,
Diana xx #18

Zsuzsa Karoly-Smith said...

Lovely layouts - it's so sad to hear about your neigbour's grandson - just heart-breaking, really. I will never understand why these things need to happen. Have a lovely week and thanks for your visit! xx zsuzsa #22

Felix the Crafty Cat said...

It's always sad when someone so young dies whereas when someone has had a long and happy life it's easier to celebrate their leaving us. Bet you've got quite a collection of journals and great memories for the whole family. Wishing you a very happy and creative woyww, Angela x13x

Caro said...

I do love all your layouts. So sad to hear about Owen - so very young indeed. Happy WOYWW. Take care and stay safe, with love & God bless, Caro xx (#15)

Lindart said...

Hi BJ, thanks for your visit! Such a sad story, but a lovely page dedicated to Owen. Gone but not forgotten, he probably would have liked that. Your pages look great, and I especially like how you were able to uses all those "h's"! Have a great week, Lindart #27

Shoshi said...

Very sorry to hear about your friend's son, BJ - how young he was, with so much life before him so tragically cut off. Very special to make a layout in his memory.

Thank you for your comment - I'm glad you approve of my tidy-up!

How is your hand recovering? I realise it's going to be a long slow job but I hope things are improved since last week.

Happy WOYWW,
Shoshi #10

Helen said...

How awful for such a young loss of life . The layout us a great tribute, and the others are fab too Helen #2

Ellie said...

Thats so tragic about Owen, so sad...

lovely spreads and gorgeous photos too!
Have a good week
Ellie #26

My name is Cindy said...

Oh dear BJ, 21 is no age at all, no wonder you are upset. Beautiful photos on your LOs. I had to go and check out that giveaway post - oh yes I did enjoy that project!! Am not up to date but hoping your hand is mending well. Happy WOYWW, love n hugs Cindy xx#20

Lynn Holland said...

Gosh you’ve been busy.
Each layout looks really good and truly tells its own story
Well done BJ
Lynn x

Julia Dunnit said...

OOh good for you, a very productive time! Like the use of all of your alphabet dies to say shhh, fun idea! Tragic about young Owen. Having a Aston close to his age just puts everything into higher perspective doesn’t it.

Kyla said...

Loving the first layout (purple and green are my fav colour combo) and sorry to hear about your friends son too.