I made a few simple thank you cards, cutting tags from old Christmas cards.

Medical (Menopause) Update
My cold symptom (runny nose) didn't amount to a cold but to a full blown period after a week of spotting, now a week of flooding, all after 4 months of total absence.
Trying to piece together symptoms and noticed the hot flashes stopped at the end of November (had had them noticeably for 9 months). Since then I've had breast pains and my Lichen Sclerosus has flared up, felt tired and achy too, should have realised "the end" hadn't quite come - YET!
Hormones are having yet another mooch around I suspect!
The Orthotics for my foot pain weren't working at all, in fact were making things more painful! I went back today and they will be adjusted, I'm still hopeful in that arena.
Hope everyone else is having a better beginning to the new year health wise.
Happy WOYWW. Beautiful card for your mum. My hormones are also all over the place. My periods have been irregular for over a year now - sometimes exactly on time, other times I have gone up to 11 weeks late. Currently I am 10 days late and permanently think that my period is just about to start (I get extra pain/bloating/very clumsy/emotional/want to clean all the time!). I am 47 next month and never had the chance to be a mum, so right now I am thoroughly fed up with that part of being a woman when I think of all the pain/hassles over the years. Actually going to see my doctor about it, as perhaps she can suggest something to help me feel less mixed up. Thank god for crafting!! Ali x #7
Love that card for your mum BJ; those wild flower dies are fab. Hope your hormones settle down soon! Happy WOYWW Sarah #12
I am not surprised your mum wanted to keep her card up all year if it was as pretty as the new one, BJ. It,s lovely! So sorry to hear of your health and menopause woes - hang in there, those awful hot flushes etc. will pass! I took sage and soya supplements and they did help. Hope they get your orthotics sorted to your satisfaction .
Happy WOYWW,
Shoshi #9
Morning BJ. That's a lovely birthday card - well done. Sorry you are feeling so upside down - I have to say (sorry!), but I'm glad those symptoms have now all disappeared - by my age I'd be REALLY worried if they hadn't!!!
Thanks for the visit - the songs? Our God is an awesome God, O come let us adore Him, To God be the glory, My hope is built on nothing less, When I survey (modern version with the chorus "Oh the wonderful cross")and a couple more I can't remember without the piece of paper! Are getting a theme here??? Our church's idea of "leading the worship" means actually planning and seeing to the entire service - linking up with the preacher, fitting the worship to his talk - we're in Ephesians at the mo - so I will be really ready for item number 12 on the order - tea and coffee!!!!!!!
Take care. Trust you feel better soon. God bless.
Margaret #3
Hello BJ, how lovely your mom keeps your card up all year, Vicky #15
What a beautiful fun card for your mom. Love the colors and those BIG numbers are awesome. Hope she had a happy day. You my dear must take care, read about essential oils, some really help "Calm" and help you endure. Best wishes for a new year.
Sorry things are not good after all that time! Love the card for your mum
wow! photo of an actual desk top! lovely cards too. thnaks for visiting and your kind words
That is a beautiful birthday card - I'm sure your mum will be delighted! It's so sweet of her to have kept the other one on display for a whole year! At least you know that your cards are appreciated! I really love the idea of cutting tags from your Christmas cards. I have plans to turn mine into a mini album, but haven't got far with it yet. I really do not look forward to the menopause! I've heard so many horror stories. Perhaps I'll be one of those few lucky ones who won't even notice it! Yeah, who am I kidding LOL! Happy WOYWW! zsuzsa #18
Gorgeous card ... she will love all the care and attention that has gone into producing such a lovely piece of artwork. All the best with the dreaded hormones.
sandra de @33
Love the cards BJ. Been a bit slow getting round as the internet's not been playing nicely. Happy belated woyww, Angela x13x
Thanks for your visit, BJ, and for your good wishes for next Thurs. The order of service booklets arrived from the printer today and I am more than thrilled with them! They've done a beautiful job.
Shoshi #9
Menopause can be a pain (sometimes literally!), I'm glad it's over for me, and it soon will be for you too, just hang in there! Your mother's card looks lovely, I'm sure she will treasure it (I know my Mum treasures every one of my cards!)Your desk looks nice and clean-awaiting the next storm of creativity! Have a great week, Lindart #31
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