The start of my 13th Scrapbook album, I'll need a new shelf for more....

And a box my husband thought I'd like despite the fact that I have just sorted and thrown out all the various boxes which had accumulated under my desk to accomodate the new PC! Hmmmm!

Possibly for interviews for university too, although I think they seem to have done away with the latter these days!

The first double LO is of some geocaching focused on the statue of Dame Margot Fonteyn which is just down the road in Reigate.

This got me thinking of my own ballet career which I blogged earlier in the week, here >>> Ballet
My first ever photo album (the sticky back kind) is rather shot and the photos wouldn't stick back in after I took them out to check the back for possible dates, so I made a scrapbook page to fit in the original album which I could stick back in.