I seem to have the energy of a gnat these days. Do anything energetic (like going up stairs) and my pulse goes whoosh. I feel like I have a mild flu but really I think it is the
hormonal battle raging within.
I did sort of manage badminton last night but I had to take the box anyway. Thought it would either make or break me. I didn't play as many games as usual and didn't play two is a row either and after an energetic rally I got mildly dizzy, but I'm still here to tell the tale.
Anyway I forced myself to at least stick down a LO before even attempting a blog post. Also to sit by my SAD light for at least an hour hoping this dark cloud would lift. Probably need to do this EVERY day.
Well I did said LO and then went on the do a second. I sorted my brick wall of the cycling photos by deciding NOT to bother scrapping them at all which was a great decision. After all I have never scrapped any badminton photos of me, why should my DH get all the glory!
So there we have it, 2 pages with a sort of railway theme.
One where we went geocaching down some local footpaths we would never have known were there, which took us over the railway.
The second of seeing the Flying Scotsman Locomotive from the bridge at Preschool after a meeting. Best attended preschool social outing to date they said (it was my first - LOL)
Hope this WOYWW finds you well fellow deskers.