I have a childhood memory of this transformation being the "thing - back in the day" with denim, although I didn't flatten out the crotch, I just sewed it straight.
Day 30 : Forgiven to Forgive
Day 29 : HE Makes a WAY (Grace)
Day 28 : Rejoice Always
Day 27 : Not Alone
Day 31 : Big Prayers
Day 32 : She Believed GOD
Day 33 : No Falling Here
Jonathan and the Stone of Ezel.
I did my One little Word page at the start of my new Faith Journal. I have settled on Surrender.I did the facing page with a few other words/flowers from the printable, covering the pigs nicely!
Last but not least are the samples I have done for our church's prayer week and the Bible Journaling table. It is based on the verse of the year John 12.26.I seem to be struggling with a lot at the moment, all little things like the gas main and our road closed for 7 weeks, the cold, health stuff, and being anxious about going out anywhere. Hoping for a brighter tomorrow.
Well done on the skirt alteration! Your She Sketches pages are great. I am sorry you've been struggling with various issues, I hope things ease soon and you feel better. take care. Happy WOYWW Helen #2
I don't recall the skirts but I do recall making a bag from the top of a pair of jeans :) Once again you are the most prolific WOYWWer. Amazing. And I feel ya on all the concerns. Me too, except the road closure - substitute distant Drs appointments on troublesome days...like today!
Sneaking in a few before leaving for Drs.
Mary Anne (4)
Hi BJ, you've done so much - the She pages are great!! Sorry to hear things are getting you down - January can be such a pants month - I particularly hate the cold as well! Have a good week, love and hugs Cindyxx #11
Great job with the altering! It makes me smile that the TikTok generation view it as something they’ve invented when it’s been going on for ages out of necessity. Hope you’ve enjoyed your sewing. Sorry you’re struggling a bit at the moment, I don’t suffer from SAD but have quite a few friends who do. Sending hugs.
LLJ 5 xxx
That brings back memories of altering trousers into skirts, I loved them especially my denim one. Hope you're feeling more like yourself soon. Wishing you a very happy and creative woyww, Angela x7x
That’s clever, turning trousers into a skirt. All your pages are great, I so admire you. I seem to have great difficulty getting things done. Are you doing the next challenge too? I think it is going to be on Job. I am sorry you feel anxious, although Jesus said “Do not worry “ it isn’t always easy to stop, although I think anxiety is a different emotion. Putting on my worship music helps me and if you ever want to chat, am here for you x. Happy WOYWW. Angela #13
I am loving all your artwork BJ, you really do pack a lot into each week. I'm so sorry to hear you are struggling at the moment - I understand the anxiety thing as I've been struggling with that for a while. I hope things start improving for you,
Take care and Happy WOYWW,
Hugs, Diana xx #14
Sorry to hear you are not feeling on top of things at the moment, January can be such a bad month for many people. Keep crafting, it will help you in the end, especially as you do such lovely work as you are showing us today.
Hugs, Neet 8 xx
Very clever transforming your trousers into a skirt, great job! and your sketches are looking brilliant too! I'm sorry to read that you are struggling a bit, sending healing hugs and hope for brighter days for you x Happy WOYWW - Michelle #15
Hi, BJ, I hope that all matters improve. I will daven for you a Refuah Shlemah! After my diagnosis, I didn't leave my house for a year for anything other than physician's appointments and voting. And even then, my anxiety level was at ten! Baby steps!
What a clever idea with the trousers. Black skirts are a bit of a challenge everywhere, I think! Yours is looking good!
Your journal pages are lovely. I am Jewish, so we don't journal on our texts, but I do find some of the journal pages I have seen fascinating. Do you have two Bibles? One for reading and one for Journaling? Just curious. They are all beautifully done!
Hoping tomorrow finds you better than today!
Chana Malkah WOYWW #17
Aw, I hate to read that you're struggling, not fair. Please though, push yourself to go out, however scary it feels, because it will be alright and you could easily fall into never going out again and that would so limit your life and your fitness and ironically, your mental health...a good tramp across a quiet space in the cold is such a pleasure, don't deny yourself. I very much like your She sketches, they really did inspire you, marvellous. When you say you've 'settled' on Surrender was it a struggle to find a word or are you peacefully settling with it?! So man6 words that I'm not sure I could choose in case something different spiked my interest a few weeks later! No staying power at all!
Sorry you’re struggling at the moment. The dreadful weather makes everything harder, somehow. I guess like me you take a viramin D3 supplement? If not it’s good for you in the winter.
Well done on your altering; your journal illustrations are beautiful.
Take care and happy WOYWW
Lynnecrafts 10 xx
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