Not done much this week (other than the UFO I'll be showing next week).
Got some crafty goodies, a job lot of refills for my scrapbooks 75 in all.
A more "down to earth" Bible Journalling book with lots of traceables.

Plus some pens, a set of my usual uni-ball fine line in various sizes and a couple of Tombow Fudensuke Brush Pens.
Oh and don't mention the JIGSAW. My son got it for me for my birthday, back in February, and I've been saving the best till last!.

My old tablet cover had the same picture and of course I have a mug to match too...

I guess you could say, it's not the easiest of puzzles!
I've done a few odd hand sewing jobs like my slippers and oven glove but not at all easy when your right hand goes tingly/numb all the time. That has just started up again so even typing this is tricky. Couple that with my left shoulder/arm issue I have had for nearly a year now, it's a right pickle.
Also I got some material delivered from friend (as part of her click and collect supermarket run) to make scrubs and bags with but not started yet.
So not overly exciting this week. Bet you can't wait to see what my UFO is! Wondering if all that set my hand tingling off?? Who knows, my thumb was well sore after I'd done two of the 4!