Well I made the most of the medication for the first half of the week and got out Pokémon Going and Geocaching in the lovely sunshine.
Unfortunately for the latter part of the week I have been rendered "house bound" yet again!
For the most part I have been doing some scrapbooking, but first I needed to tidy my desk of the fairy stuff.

Then out "popped" a journal page from the bits and bobs.

Looks like I did quite a few scrap pages, with the next laid out too.
Firstly I stuck down the pages which had been languishing on my desk for the past few weeks!
Of my son learning to drive and what he did to my room on April Fool's day! Did I laugh! Shame that wasn't a Wednesday!

These photos are of before, during (me with big grin) and after plus a couple of months on as well.

Then there was the insect my husband photographed as it was quite unusual.
Bombylius Major, a bee-fly bee mimic.

And finally a few family moments.
Well that is me for this week.
Happy WOYWW Everyone.
well despite your problems you've been very busy - great layouts!
If you can achieve so much when you are under the weather `I dread to think how productive you can be when working on 100% fitness. Keep at it, you are doing great and I just love that fairy page.
Hugs, Neet 1 xx
ps hope you soon feel better
Oh WOW! You HAVE been busy .. being a lover of all things purple your fairy project gets my seal of approval!
BJ, I don't know if yo[ve been to the doc about your 'predicament' but if you haven't, please think about it. I did and it changed my life. Email me.
Love what you've made, such glorious colours!
Hugs, LLJ 8 xxx
Hi BJ, what an amazing selection of pages- so many happy memories. Laughed at your sons attack on your room! Yes, I have to admit to having the full selection of Tim's colours( hangs head), I'm a terrible fan-boy! I also had to collect all the Adirondack colours, especially as they were being discontinued. I've managed to control myself with other brands- she says with her fingers firmly crossed!Have a great week, Hugs, Shaz #7 xxx
you've been busy, I especially like the purple fairy page. Happy WOYWW Vicky #15
you've done well BJ despite all you problems. Love all the layouts. Great April Fool by your son Anne #20
Morning BJ. Thanks for your visit and your comments. You have certainly been busy this week - loads achieved. Well done.
Take care. God bless.
Margaret #17
What a busy crafting corner! I love your journal page with your bits and pieces and your layouts are great too! I haven't done any scrapbooking for a long time! Always busy with something else. Enjoy your week. zsuzsa #21
Super post & pics. I did look at the Pokemon game but I would need someone to take me out and about in my wheelchair to find them. No one seems to want to do it so I deleted the game!! Thanks for sharing. Take care Zo xx 25
Lovely LO and I have to admit to being partial to anything with wings.
sandra de @28
love the layouts...and the April Fool's is brilliant!
Caz #27
I love, love your Layouts! I am a scrapper, too! Thank you for your visit to my space. A Misti is short for "Most Incredible Stamp Tool Invented". You can put your stamp (not wood mounted) on the card right where you want it, pick it up with the lid, and stamp as many times as you want in the same place, until it is dark as you want. That is just one of the great things you can do with it! :) I was frustrated by how many times I would ruin a piece of cs because the image didn't stamp right. Anyway, you said you didn't know what it was. :) #31
Sorry to hear you've been unwell. I am glad to see that it hasn't stopped you from being creative, though! I love all the purple.
Thank you for your comment - the physio was very constructive - it has proved more complex than I'd anticipated but at least there's a way forward now.
Happy WOYWW,
Shoshi #32
Lovely layout pages - I'm glad you have been feeling able to get on with things, but I'm so sorry to hear your problems came back after stopping the tablets - I hope your doctor manages to get this sorted out for you soon, or can at least get you to a consultant fairly pronto - I remember how laid back they all seemed when all I wanted to do was put a rocket under them and try and get them to understand how debilitating it was. Good luck, I'll be thinking of you.
Diana #19 x
WOW BJ, in spite of it all, you have been busy! Good for you, sometimes it takes our mind of other things! I love fairies and your is sweet! You've done some great layouts! I don't scrapbook, but I envy those who do! Is that your son in the car? I'm doing the same with my daughter...16 FINALLY...and don't think she doesn't remind me every chance she gets! LOL Love what you did in the preschool garden! One of my favorite things is to be digging around in a garden! Lovely! Have a great rest of the week! Happy Wednesday, Felicia #34
the texture on the fairy page is just gorgeous :) love all the before and after shots in the garden too! :) Thanks for the earlier visit, ~Stacy #36
Oh my! Look at all that you've gotten done! Impressive. Hope you get to feeling better and thanks for the visit!
Carol N #29
Hi BJ, You sure have been busy. Fab LOs.
Glad you got out, but sorry you haven't been able to go out as you would have liked. Hope something is sorted soon.
Thanks for stopping by my blog.
Sue #6
Lots of lovely pages there - I hope you found lots of Pokemon too! Lea #43
your work is so fun. Now that I have 2 toddler girls in the family - I may need to start to work with Fairies a bit! Have a wonderful Wednesday, donna #41
Hi BJ, sorry to hear you've not been feeling too good but pleased to see you've managed some crafting. Thanks for the comment over at mine and happy woyww, Angela x 12
Very pretty pages. I think we'd all be better off with "fairy stuff" on our desks. Sandy Leigh #33
I am loving your journal page using Bits and Bobs! (my favorite way to use up my leftovers!) and your scrapbooking is wonderful! Thanks for popping by today and for the LOVELY comment you left me! Scrapbook Lynne WOYWW#2
Well for not feeling well, you sure did accomplish a lot! Have a great rest of the week! Dorlene #37
Wow - you have been uber busy. I hope you feel better.
April #24
You have been super busy may you feel better soon
Hugs Nikki 3
Gah, its really up and down for you isn't it, I hope you aren't house bound for too long, its very frustrating. Having said that, my goodness, you did get a lot done...I don't do that many scrapbook Layouts in about 6 months! Lovely they are too, your room looks incredibly busy!
Hope you are up and out soon. We picked up a book on geocaching at the library book sale yesterday. Thanks for offering to help if I have questions. We'll be reading up over the next few weeks. Can't believe how productive you've been. Some great pages to capture memories - love the April Fools your son pulled - and such a lovely fairy AJ page. Have a terrific week. LisaDV #23
The lay outs show such fun family-life... I LOVE what your son did on April Fools day... ha, boys like that are such fun to have around! My own son is just like that - only, he left the house years ago so I don't have him near my atelier every day... Thanks for your visit to my blog earlier this week & a hug from the Netherlands! Marit #26
Gosh, that's a very busy looking desk and a very productive week! Love your magical journal page. Sorry for the late visit - internet probs GRRR :o) Annie C #47
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