Got my photos delivered all 130 of them from Dec 2018 up to May 2019.

I noticed I needed to add a couple of garden flowers to a little CD book I made back in 2013 so I did that this week. The Snakes Head Fritillary pages are the new ones. Only get two popping up each spring, and they always surprise and delight me.

I finished my jigsaw and started on redoing one from last year, but I guess that's all for me for this week.
I like the CD book withthe flower pics - Snakes Head Fritillaries are gorgeous, there's a huge field of them near Cricklade in Glos, that is a real sight to see. You're a very methodical jigsaw puzzler which makes me feel better as I am too!
Hugs LLJ 6 xxxx
I'm useless when it comes to putting stuff away, wish I could be like you. Maybe it will happen when I finally get stuff sorted in the cabin studio, we'll see. I've lost something at the moment and it's driving me mad! Loving your gorgeous projects and well done on getting the jigsaw finished too. Have a lovely and productive WOYWW, Angela x15x
Love that little book. We managed pick up two pots of Fritallary at half price, PJ reckons I just paid for weeds!!
Take care and have a good week
Christine #26
What a delightful little flower book - I love Snakes Head Fritiallaries and I love the idea of keeping little record of the garden through the years. I love the tidy desk, all ready for activity - just how I like to work!
Hope you have a good week,
Diana x #14
oo you have been very busy - love your pages - Tracy Evans has a snakes head stamp so i have seen them before but not in real life- gorgeous. Have a great week . Soojay #19
I envy you being tidy (it's not got any better since that time you came round!!) but there is too much stuff to be tidy with!! Love the garden book, what a fab thing. Your latest batch of photos to scrap will keep you going a while. have fun. Helen #2
Hi BJ. Wow - that desk - almost needed sunglasses! So neat and tidy. I love the little flower book - so unusual. The pages are a great reminder of a good, if slightly different, Christmas. Well done - the jigsaw looks fantastic - and I really like the balloon one you are tackling now. Great!
Take care. Stay safe. God bless.
Margaret #3
Hi BJ, I do love the snakeshead fritillary, we have a couple too, they are so pretty. Love the CD book, fab idea.Lovely lay out. Must admit I do love travelling! Stay safe, have a lovely week, Hugs, Shaz #5 X
We have a little wild area in our garden that has some of those fritillaries and I adore them! I definitely need to do a scrapbook page about them and I love the idea of the CD book for all the little pics. Have a wonderful week, Lisa-Jane #16
I'm very envious of your tidiness but I know for me it's just not going to happen, there's too many messy people around me to clean up after. Lovely to revisit past photo's and introduce them into your journals lovely shape and design. Happy WoywW Tracey #12
The CD book is a clever idea BJ. Love the flower pages and the Christmas layouts. You have plenty of photos to keep you going anyway. Have fun with the latest jigsaw. Stay safe and happy belated WOYWW. Sarah #1
Being neat and tidy is to be applauded BJ, its so much more efficient when you feel like sitting down to craft because everything is where it should be! The CD book does a great job on documenting your garden florals, arent they lovely!
My neat and tidiness goes in fits and starts - so well done you!
I like the idea of the CD book - maybe that should go on my 'to do' list!
Stay safe and happy belated woyww!
Susan #8
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