About Me

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Hi, Welcome to my Blog. I'm an eclectic kind of crafter delving into many pots. I am just about managing to keep up my Scrapbooking Diary (currently a year behind!), plus any cards as required. As my Carpal Tunnel allows I am getting into yarn/fabric crafts with slow stitching and needle felting added to my list. I continue with my love of Watercolour and Bible Journaling plus Faith/Art Journaling with acrylics and inks. I completed my challenge to make an art journal page a day for my 60th year in 2024. My list of crafty exploits includes ATCs, Tags, Altered Books, Mixed Media, Décopatch, Knitting, Crochet, and Embroidery. I live in Surrey, UK with my husband, our son has left home now. For exercise I usually play Badminton and go Ballroom and Latin Dancing. I also like Walking/Geocaching. I have been learning to play the harp for the past 10yrs. I am now officially retired. I am a born again Christian, currently worshiping at my local Evangelical Church.

Wednesday, 12 February 2025

WOYWW #819 - Got My Hand Back

Yes, after a few days incapacitated from the steroid injection I have got my hand back and can play my harp and embroider again. Hope it lasts longer this time as the Carpal Tunnel Release Operation is on the cards next.  

I treated myself to some fabric squares last week for the sewing projects in my head.

I did a couple of journal pages the night before the injection.

Life has so many questions....

The answer is LOVE.

I managed some watercolour after the injection as that's not too bad one handed.

Shema - Listen, Hear and Obey.

I'd selected and ordered a year's worth of prints for 2024 and managed to do an 8x8 page for the family album.

I eventually scrapbooked my last birthday page for last year just days before my upcoming birthday this year - phew.

I've made 6 cards too, 3 for my badminton club.

You can see we have a wide range of ages playing.

I made a couple of cards for house group....

... and the required Valentine.

And last night I embroidered the doll for my fabric book. She's been in my head and waiting on my desk for a while but I just couldn't do it pre-injection.

I guess that is me. I need to make good use of my hand this time and really praying for a miracle that it doesn't come back.

Happy WOYWW Everyone.

Wednesday, 5 February 2025

WOYWW #818 - Needle Felting

I've had a sore right upper arm/shoulder this past week and not sure if it can be attributed to a rather enthusiastic dance partner last week and/or the needle felting or indeed if I'm getting a right frozen shoulder now! Oh my???

I'm pondering the last printed photos I have from last February and have started the trawl through the files for the next lot to be printed. Big job for the year!

Anyways here's my finished 2D picture of the mushroom.

I hot glued the trimmed felt backing inside the back of the hoop and popped some card in with the mushroom name etc.

Amanita Muscaria (Fly Agaric)

I had a look in some charity shops for a container to display my mushroom in and found this metal ivy shaped dish for £3 - perfect.

I was going to buy some artificial ivy but remembered the chair garlands from my wedding (nearly 27years ago) of which I'd kept one.

It was rather sorry having been in the loft for so long, I discarded the paper/ribbon and I washed the ivy and roses, so all sorted.

I made a second smaller mushroom to accompany my original mushroom and a base for them too. How cute is that?

I then cracked out the poppy pack from Jo (Twiglet) and made a poppy landscape inspired by Maxine @ Tilly Tea Dance

I added it to my fabric book with a funky bird on the facing page inspired by our very own Julia.

Isn't WOYWW the bestest most inspiring group of like minded crafty people ever! Huge thanks to all.

Happy WOYWW Everyone.

Wednesday, 29 January 2025

WOYWW #817 - Felting At Last

Yay the felting workshop is here at last and something my hubby even likes! Whoop Whoop.

I even remembered to take a photos of my desk before clearing away.

My first ever 3D object, a mushroom, love it.

I will be doing a 2D mushroom picture today in the workshop, but they don't start till 4pm GMT.

Here's the next 2 pages in my fabric book.

A collage using pieces I had made on another workshop last year as they had just been hanging around.

Also the little felted piece I had a go at last week.

A couple of journal pages as I was missing it after last year's epic page a day.

This one was inspired by Casey Turner

I used another synonym of my word for the year

Surrender > Yield

And this one by Jenna Burne.

I did the magazine thing and chose pictures which spoke to me and took it from there. It is quite deep about my childhood and stuff but also cathartic.

Oh and here's me and my mushroom, happy bunny or what?

Happy WOYWW Everyone.

Wednesday, 22 January 2025

WOYWW #816 - Fabric/Yarn Projects

At last the time to focus on the fabric/yarn projects on my "to-do" list, so you see all things for sewing out on my desk.

Not great with the Carpal Tunnel but next injection booked now for 9th Feb so not long to wait. I had my nerve conduction study yesterday too.

I did a double spread LO for my 60th Birthday Geocaching outing last year.

I used the writing/font from the painting series, am liking that style at the moment.

I did a 60th card for a friend, well I added 60 to one I'd done a while back. - grin. Really need some generic cards for card box....

I did an acrylic paint devotional page based on a synonym of my word for the year - Surrender - Submit.

It was inspired by the Journaling On The Way Facebook group.

So to the fabric/yarn projects. 

I've not forgotten the kind gift from Jo/Twiglet before Christmas and then my Christmas present from my son, both for needle felting.

I came across a freebie needle felting online course by chance (as I tend to do) which starts next Monday. Felted Fungi Winter Workshop. This was the incentive I needed so I bought their workshop kit and had a little play beforehand too.

Then remembered the fabric book I wanted to make since the Zen Retreat back in November. Somewhere special to put my fabric/yarn projects. So I have a rifle around in my bed fabric drawer and found the yellow "cushion" fabric (cushions long gone) which was just enough for the covers plus some neutral canvas type fabric for the pages.
I got my trusty machine out and set to. I got a few things back to front when I started stitching but soon rectified. I played with the embroidery stitches on my machine too. I had to machine sew due to the Carpal Tunnel but it worked out really well.

The tab binding is oh so much better in sewn fabric than the paper one I made quickly during the retreat (used for Advent book).

I used my new "Christmas" Quilting ruler and it made a good table on the bin too!

Here are 2 of my retreat pieces sewn in. Some of the pieces I had already glued into my November journal last year during the retreat.

I made a new "little cottage" for that very reason.

So I now have a place for my 2D needle felting pictures. I guess it will be all needle felting next week...

Happy WOYWW Everyone.

Wednesday, 15 January 2025

WOYWW #815 - Scrapping Resumed

After a 4 month hiatus, now leaving me nearly a YEAR behind, I have got back to my scrapping.

On my desk are the rest of my 60th Birthday photos pending scrapping and I'm 61yrs next month - oh my word!

I finally received my prize from the Zen retreat all the way from the USA.

They are magnets used for sewing and jolly useful for appliqué work and for holding your needles & pins safely whilst you are sewing. Came after I'd finished my skirt though!

I did a couple of journal pages. Using some more of the words I had printed. 

Also a quote I'd scribbled down a while back which caught my attention then and now my mood. 

Then to the scrapping. Please note these are from over a YEAR AGO. So New Year 2024!

I'd come unstuck with these back in September so pretty simple pages to get me going.

I got more adventurous with my friend's Hen-Do page and even did a bit of journal type stuff on the facing page.

Wet glue not great on scrapbook papers though!

Then to the Wedding day itself. I copied the floral arrangement with diecut flowers.

One more wedding page and then my 60th. I have a few more photos for last February before I need to order some more.

Feeling a tad better this week actually made myself go out in the car Monday, first time in a week. Thank you for all the best wishes last week so very much appreciated.

Happy WOYWW Everyone.

Wednesday, 8 January 2025

WOYWW #814 - Black Skirt

Unusual desk scene, I actually have my sewing machine out and am altering some baggy black trousers (which I bought back in the Summer!) into a skirt. I have wanted a black skirt for ages and the shops don't seem to be obliging...

I have a childhood memory of this transformation being the "thing - back in the day" with denim, although I didn't flatten out the crotch, I just sewed it straight.

Other things this week are the last She Sketches Scripture pages. Really loved this series and it even got me to do the Jonathan page which has been pending for ages.

Day 30 : Forgiven to Forgive

Day 29 : HE Makes a WAY (Grace)

Day 28 : Rejoice Always

Day 27 : Not Alone

Day 31 : Big Prayers

Day 32 : She Believed GOD

Day 33 : No Falling Here

Jonathan and the Stone of Ezel.

I did my One little Word page at the start of my new Faith Journal. I have settled on Surrender.

I did the facing page with a few other words/flowers from the printable, covering the pigs nicely!

Last but not least are the samples I have done for our church's prayer week and the Bible Journaling table. It is based on the verse of the year John 12.26.

I seem to be struggling with a lot at the moment, all little things like the gas main and our road closed for 7 weeks, the cold, health stuff, and being anxious about going out anywhere. Hoping for a brighter tomorrow.

Happy WOYWW Everyone.

Wednesday, 1 January 2025

WOYWW #813 - Happy New Year

Happy New Year Everyone.


YES, I did a journal page a day for 2024 and have 12 little journals to show for it. Whoop Whoop!

I even filled a whole Faith Journal last year too. (back left) The previous one took 10 years!

The Blue Journal on my desk (right) is for this year.

I'm still managing to do my Bible watercolours in the only 2 journaling Bibles I have. (front left).

Not sure I have perfected or decided on the best journal construction for me yet though?

Here's the last 8 pages

Did yesterday's in a haze of headache but thankfully hubby made me some dinner which helped.

I finished off my advent word journal last week too.

Day 25 : Fruit plus the back cover.

Also the Advent Bible watercolour series over at Devotion in Action

I also did a few more watercolour pages with She Sketches Scripture. 

There are 7 left to finish her challenge, which I must aim to do by 5th when the free subscription ends.

Happy WOYWW 2025 Everyone