Here's my "craftcorner" and my desk is all tidy with my next set of photos to be scrapped waiting inspiration.
I just received my latest order of 150 prints covering March to most of June, so that will keep me busy. A bit like woman's work and all that, never being done.....
I did manage a couple of pages this past week though.

In my latest order of prints I got the one I forgot from the last batch, namely the main one of my son playing the drums at the Scout Carol Concert last Christmas.
So that is at last scrapped!

I also scrapped my 18th wedding anniversary. We went to visit the church we got married in, so I was able to pop a couple of the original photos on the page too.
I didn't start scrapping until about 2005 and then I only went back to when I got my first digital camera in December 2003. So it was a great excuse to scrap some wedding photos from 1998.
So onto the "Double Entendre", and that would be,
What's Out Your Window Wednesday!

Not that it in any way needed it at all having only been done properly back in August 2009.

But the Council is a law unto itself despite other local roads with mega potholes which really need seeing to!
So there we have it, "what's on my desk" and "what's out my window".
I guess that is the excitement over for the day, back to the housework or was that scrapping..........
Happy WOYWW everyone.