About Me

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Hi, Welcome to my Blog. I'm an eclectic kind of crafter delving into many pots. I am just about managing to keep up my Scrapbooking Diary (currently a year behind!), plus any cards as required. As my Carpal Tunnel allows I am getting into yarn/fabric crafts with slow stitching and needle felting added to my list. I continue with my love of Watercolour and Bible Journaling plus Faith/Art Journaling with acrylics and inks. I completed my challenge to make an art journal page a day for my 60th year in 2024. My list of crafty exploits includes ATCs, Tags, Altered Books, Mixed Media, Décopatch, Knitting, Crochet, and Embroidery. I live in Surrey, UK with my husband, our son has left home now. For exercise I usually play Badminton and go Ballroom and Latin Dancing. I also like Walking/Geocaching. I have been learning to play the harp for the past 10yrs. I am now officially retired. I am a born again Christian, currently worshiping at my local Evangelical Church.

Wednesday, 24 June 2020

WOYWW #577 - Jigsaws (missing pieces, what to do?)

Not much happening on my desk this week so giving you a "craftcorner" shot.

The last couple of scrapbook pages are up on the coathanger on the picture and usually remain there till I do the next ones.

Have reached November 2018 and as I hadn't "found" where husband uploaded his Christmas 2018 photos (in a March 2019 folder) I will need to order some more prints to complete December 2018!! Typical!!

Photo selection takes simply ages and I like to order a job lot to save on postage.

So November consisted of my cousin's funeral and a couple of meet-ups with my Geocaching buddies.

Anyway back to the topic of the post. I have completed my latest jigsaw, enjoyed this one, love the colours and slightly tricky so took 6 days. Being new all the pieces were there.

However, and here's the crux, I have a few charity puzzles with pieces missing and a couple of newly bought ones which I seem to have lost pieces from over the years. I have left notes in them saying which pieces are missing.

So what should I do with them?
1) Keep them?
2) Recycle them?
3) Other?

Answers on a postcard (comment will do LOL), Any crafty use for all the pieces perhaps? Look forward to suggestions.

Happy WOYWW Everyone


Lunch Lady Jan said...

Hmm, tricky because missing pieces would put me off but I guess some people wouldn't mind. Ask the folk in the charity shop what their view is, they'll either be desperate for stock or have them coming out of their ears! I'm a jigsaw fiend and have done three this week - once they're on the table, I can't leave them alone, lol!!
Hugs LLJ 8 xxx

sandra de said...

Well you could just gift them to charity and write a note saying they are simply challenging puzzles. No need to spoil the surprise. (sorry that is a bit naughty). Have a lovely and creative week as you scrapbook.
Sandra de #23

Sue Jones said...

How good an artist are you ? Could you make new pieces to fit in? Or you could start a new trend ha ha . Lovely scrapbook pages. Have a great week . soojay#17

glitterandglue said...

Hi BJ. Lovely pages there. Well done. Ad to the jigsaws... when I was away so much last year in the caravan I bought LOTS of 500 piece jigsaws from charity shops. If they were complete I passed them on to a different shop, if not, I recycled them - 'cos I hate getting to the end and finding one, two or more pieces missing. I still mainly buy them from charity shops - but at home they are 1000 piece puzzles, and I still pass them on. I have a rather large pile of them now ready for when those shops open again!
Take care. Stay safe. God bless.
Margaret #3

craftyani said...

I had a jigsaw from a charity shop took ages to do as odd shaped pieces and then there were some missing although it said it was complete. I binned it. Only give to charity shops when I know all pieces are there and then I put them in a sealed bag. So annoying when it isn't complete. Have a good week. Ani

shazsilverwolf said...

Hi BJ, I agree, not really very good giving them to charity shops incomplete. Can you not maybe keep some for using on layouts- maybe painting over them, and using for quotes? Then I'd recycle the rest. Stay Safe, Have a lovely week,Hugs, Shaz #5 X

Zsuzsa Karoly-Smith said...

Hi BJ, your crafty corner looks lovely - so much to see! As for the puzzles - I always go to Google for ideas! As it turns out, there's a whole movement dedicated to puzzle art! Here's an example: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R5NW143Xm04 And if you have just one piece missing, you can trace it on cardboard and try to colour it - or copy and enlarge the picture on the box. So many ideas online! Good luck with it - I might try something myself! Happy WOYWW! xx zsuzsa #24

Zsuzsa Karoly-Smith said...

PS: I like this puzzle tree:

My name is Cindy said...

I'm guessing most people wouldn't want to do a puzzle with pieces missing but if it was just one it wouldn't bother me. Recycling sounds like a plan but sounds like there are quite a lot!! Stay well, stay safe, Cindy #11

Helen said...

I'd be a bit annoyed at jigsaws with missing pieces... I would keep some of the pieces for collage or mixed media projects and be ruthless with the rest.... have a good week. Helen #2

Crafting With Jack said...

Hi BJ, I have taken jigsaws with a piece missing to the charity shop before. I mark on the box where the piece is missing and tell them when I drop it off. They say people still buy them. I want to keep some for my art, but it feels mean ruining a perfectly good jigsaw, when someone else could enjoy it. I was thinking of printing out some jigsaw pieces, that way I could have the size I want.
Great layouts x Angela #33

Lisa-Jane said...

I admire anyone who can scrapbook chronologically, I can only grab what I fancy. Although I am embarking on a project to work out which photos still need to be printed and scrapped, or which ones I might want to just ditch. I'm glad you found the missing photos to keep you on track! Have a great week, Lisa-Jane #14

Diana Taylor said...

I really love the image on your jigsaw - those beautiful blue pansies and the china are just my cup of tea! Personally I would recycle a jigsaw that had a piece missing, having kept a handful of pieces back for painting and collaging, and I never buy them from a charity shop unless the shop has checked them over - some shops have volunteers that make up puzzles and try out games, which is such a good idea.
Hope you have a good week and happy jigsawing!
Diana x #16

Felix the Crafty Cat said...

Hi BJ, I think I would use the jigsaws with the missing pieces as part of some mixed media projects. Loving the finished jigsaw, gorgeous flowers. Wishing you a happy week and a very creative woyww, Angela x19x

Susan Renshaw said...

Loved taking a look into your crafty corner!
We often get jigsaws from charity shops, do them and return them if they are all there. If pieces are missing we usually don't give them back to a charity shop ( except in one case where we had a vintage one which was in a beautiful box - we took it to the charity with a message saying few pieces missing - it was still fun to do!)
I think Zsuzsa's suggestion of the puzzle tree is good - would be great for the grandkids! I have also done many altered large piece jigsaws or pieces.
Stay safe, keep well.
Happy Crafting
Susan #13

Julia Dunnit said...

I was going to suggest the same as Soojay, keep them, make them up again and have a go at making a replacement piece? But then.. I like the puzzle tree idea too. Can you tell - I dont know what you should do! For the first time in my scrapbooking life, there are some LOs that I havent filed immediately. I thought it would be interesting to see how many I do during lockdown and also if being in lockdown affects the way I do it (its very much based on my mood anyway!), so I have a pile to file. I dont know if lockdown is officially over or not, so dont know what to do now....I like the idea that you have of displaying them for a short time.

Heather M said...

Hi BJ, sorry for the late visit. Jigsaws - I would be a bit frustrated if there were pieces missing from a jigsaw. I would maybe use them for mixed media projects, or Zsuzsa's puzzle tree. I love your desk/crafting area. I could happily sit there for a few hours. Have a lovely week and stay safe and well, Heather xx #4

Sarah Brennan said...

I must admit that it would frustrate me no end to find pieces missing from a jigsaw at the end. At least if there is a note on it you can warn others when passing on and they can make their own mind up about whether to start or not BJ. Hope the Christmas photos arrive soon soyou can finish 2018. Stay safe and Happy WOYWW. Sarah #7

Heather M said...

Hi BJ, just popping back about the ATG refills. I bought them from Amazon. Below is the link. £7.78 pack of 2. They were from UK, arrived next day!


Lynn Holland said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
BJ said...

Thanks Lynn, have updated blog, thanks for pointing it out.

Shoshi said...

I haven't any advice regarding jigsaws with missing pieces, I'm afraid, but others have put forward some useful suggestions! I love the jigsaw picture with the blue flowers. I don't do jigsaws - haven't got the patience for them and always seem to have something else to do!! A lot of people have been doing them during the lockdown, and some of them look fiendishly complicated and difficult!

Happy belated WOYWW,
Shoshi #26

Caro said...

I love jigsaws and find it intensely irritating when there are pieces missing! I don't get the chance to do them very often as there is nowhere in the house to really leave them up. No suggestions as to what you should do with yours with missing pieces I am afraid. Sorry I am so late visiting. Take care and stay safe. With love & God Bless, Caro xx (#9)