So here are my 4 pages plus a lowdown of how I am feeling just now!

Struggling with this lockdown thing. Not for the talked about reason of being stuck in but quite the opposite, not wanting to go out!

I've suffered from OCD for many years and going places, travelling and the such like is a struggle, even to Asda! So now as my hubby has taken over the shopping, I'm not going anywhere much, not even for walks as too many dogs about in the fields and I'm terrified of them.

I've had an issue with my shoulder for nearly a year now, tried Osteopath, Steroid Injection, and Physio which took me up to lockdown but it's getting worse. I do have a consultant appointment for 7th August (hospital not open for this till August btw) but it makes for difficult sleeping and coupled with the hot flashes in this hot weather, I'm shattered in the mornings!

This past week we've even had workmen in to replace our 4 back windows (including my bedroom) which was postponed from the beginning on April. That's also added to the stress and last night I seemed to have a cold with sneezing and blowing nose all evening. So all in all quite fed up with life.
Well, you're not alone in being happy in your own space, G and I are in no rush to go out to shops etc at the moment, we have been fortunate enough to relish our down time. Don't push yourself is my advice, you'll know when you're ready to face the outside world again.
Hugs LLJ 5 xxx
I live in Copenhagen, Denmark, and I am not going out that much either. I am fortunate with a friend that is doing my shopping. So that part of it is great!
I wonder if you have heard of Anthony William? https://www.medicalmedium.com/ (I hope you don't mind me giving you the link)
I have all his books and the last one he wrote is great - it is about changing the food and how we eat! It is helping me as long as I can manage.
Thank you so much for sharing!
Mariane #8
Like you I have enjoyed staying at home, creating, cooking, gardening and just living life at a slower pace. I hope you get some relief for your shoulder and can only say a prayer for you. Stay safe as you create.
Sandra de @11
Hi BJ. You are certainly not alone in being very cautious about wanting to go out and about. Some folks seem to be in such a rush to "get back to normal". It's not going to work like that. Last Thursday after the big clap I stayed outside my door chatting to some of my neighbours for quite a time. I was utterly exhausted when I came back inside! We have become very used to being quiet - not a bad thing - so anything new or different will take time. Relax, allow your shoulder to recover, and remember Father God is there with you each step of the way. I do like your pages - well done on getting even more done!
Take care. Stay safe. God bless.
Margaret #1
HI BJ, I'm not going out either, being in the vulnerable group, Doug has been going out once a week for shopping, and even though they have relaxed the rules this week, I'm giving it a couple of weeks yet to see how the infection rate goes! I do sympathise with you and your shoulder issue, mine seems to be a trapped/pinched nerve, and hasn't gone on as long as yours, but I know how downright distracting mine can be. Stay safe,Have a lovely week, Hugs, Shaz #12 X
Hello to a fellow scrapbooker! You are definitely not alone in being happier staying put. I work from home anyway and I'm quite happy here although it is busy with 3 other people also at home! To be honest it's been lovely to have an excuse not to have to keep going out! I hope you can get some quality sleep very soon to give you some energy for the following day. Best wishes, Lisa-Jane #17
Well I don't feel any great desire to be out and about either though I have been walking quite a bit the last two weeks, more to give my circulation a boost than anything else. I am sorry to hear you are a bit fed up - it's OK to have a day like that, just go easy on yourself, things will look better soon I am sure. Maybe plan a little trip, not to do anything much, just to get out the door. Sendsing love and hugs, Stay safe, stay well, Cindy #25
I don't go out except to school when it's my turn to be in BJ. The supermarket terrifies me too at the moment. You are definitely not alone in this. Hope your shoulder allows you some sleep while you are waiting for your appointment. Stay safe and happy WOYWW. Sarah #4
I think a lot of people will be reluctant to go out again... I'd quite like to but am on restricted activity in case I faint again which is a right pain as it means I am reliant on people to help me! I hate that more than being stuck inside. ah well, life will go on.... Love the layouts. Helen #3
Hi BJ, sorry to hear you have been suffering. This lockdown is causing more problems to people than are first obvious. I do hope everything normalises
soon, it will take us all awhile to adjust. Angela #30
Sorry that your shoulder is adding to the difficulty. I think there are a lot of us who are quite happy pottering about at home, don’t stress yourself about going out, you probably will find at some point hat you have to or want to for some reason and that’ll be it! Meantime, no one minds, so it doesn’t matter! Great scrapbook pages again, and get you in a Bikini, what a bomb!
I think it's better to do things that feel best for you, I'm sure the time will come when you feel like going. Wishing you a happy woyww and a great crafty week, Angela x15x
Sorry to hear that you are feeling rough and sneezy, and that you have a poorly shoulder still. Happy Belated WOYWW. Stay safe and I hope you have a nice week. With love & God Bless, Caro x (#7)
I don't go out unless my hubby takes me anyway, so the lockdown hasn't affected me that much. We did have an outing on my birthday last week which was lovely, but I am more than happy in our own space with all my stuff and everything I need. When I can get a delivery slot from Tesco I get my groceries delivered and otherwise my hubby pops down to Sainsbury's for me, and I have done all my other shopping online for ages now so no change there! I do seem to be living in more chaos, though, because in the absence of visitors, there seems less incentive to clear up the mess! I've got boxes of knitting stuff down in the sitting room and my studio is very untidy at the moment!
I am sure you will feel more like going out again as time passes, and things get back to normal - maybe taking little trips out to start with, and not pushing things too much. After all you don't have to do everything at once, and can gradually ease yourself back into going out again. Take care of yourself!
Happy belated WOYWW,
Shoshi #14
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