Not getting the blue right at all...

Even got a blister on my finger when trying to open the tube really stuck tops!
Finished a tricky little jigsaw, 500 pieces but not much bigger than A4 size. The pieces are really tiny about half normal size.

The last thing was a purchase of a screen room divider, so all my life doesn't have to be shared during Zoom calls. Love it.
Oh and actually went to Asda yesterday, first time since March, and no queue either. Got some new pants as hubby wasn't going to get those in the weekly shop LOL.
Hope you managed to salvage something from your acrylic paint tubes BJ. The screen is lovely, perfect for a zoom background. Stay safe and happy WOYWW. Sarah #17
Morning BJ. Hmm... yes. I have to go through my hubby's paints at some point... Probably the same will have happened to some of your acrylics. Almost inevitable, I suppose.. but still rather sad.
All the best with getting the colour right on the lighthouse. Great looking screen divider.
Take care. Stay safe. God bless.
Margaret #2
Ohhh how annoying to find your paints had dried up. But then again always lovely to get newbies and try out some different colours. The lighthouse looks like it is coming along very nicely.
Stay safe as you create.
Sandra de @7
It's weird when you go out for the first time and discover the world is still there! You made me laugh a bout the pants! I've just started a new jigsaw too, once it's on the table though I can't leave it alone....
Hugs LLJ 12 xxx
well done for going out ! I don't have space for jigsaws but I used to love doing them... hope you get the lighthouse blue sorted! Helen #1
Oh that's so frustrating when paint tubes dry out and have to be thrown. I hope you find the right blue with the paints you do have. I love your room divider screen, what a great idea and looks so good too.
Hope you have a good week, stay safe and well,
Diana x #5
It amazes me how some brands of paint dry up and others don't. I have paint from when I was teaching 18 years ago that is still fluid yet paints bought two to three years ago has dried up. It is so annoying when you spend money and it is wasted on craft materials.
Your little lighthouse looks fine to me.
Hugs, Neet 11
Hi BJ, hope you are well. It's annoying when you find paint has dried up, I have small bottles from heaven knows how many years ago, and when I had a sort out, found some were still perfect, whilst others of the same brand had dried up. Peculiar. Love the screen, great idea.Have a lovely week, Stay safe, Hugs, Shaz #13 X
Ha Ha well done on the pants :) . I managed to grab my first online Asda delivery today - its been full for the last 10 weeks, will make a nice change from tesco's or morrisons ( as well as cheaper!). I have to have a clear out of my acrylics , I have had some so long I am sure they have dried up. Have a great week. Soojay#20
I have a rubber mat thing for opening stubborn jar lids and that's great for stuck paint lids. I also find if you run them under really hot water that loosens the tops too. Believe me I have a lot of stuck tops too and find them really frustrating.
Your lighthouse is looking beautiful, is it for a special place.
I haven't been shopping since March either, Hubby goes now. You have encouraged me to try it one of these weeks. Love that you had to go for pants!!
Love the screen.
Have a good week
Hugs Lisax #24
Sadly I have had the same problem with some mediums and I have had to throw them away but did manage to save some by adding water and giving them a good mixing. I love that little Light house and I'm sure I have something similar in my stash. I had a thing for MDF stuff at one stage and then got fed up and the rest have been waiting for my return. Nice jigsaw and pleased your first shopping trip went well. Wishing you a lovely week and a happy and creative woyww, Angela x19x
Hi BJ, I find it so annoying when you open something and find it is all dries up, any difficult tops go straight to my husband to open! I had a smile too about buying pants, I don’t want to ask my husband as I can’t remember which ones I buy, there seemed to be so many different types last time I looked in Sainsbury’s it took me ages and I couldn’t find any in the end.. My last lot I actually bought from Primark as my daughter in law recommended them, I wish I had bought more at the time as they seem to be very good. That looks a very difficult jigsaw! A belated happy WOYWW Angela #28
Sorry I’m late! LOL at getting your own pants from the shop, my DH would, but they wouldn’t be what I would choose! Sorry about the paints, it’s something I think I will find if I ever even look mine out again, but very annoying when you want to actually use them RIGHT NOW!!
I think the purchase of the room screen is a brilliant idea. I haven’t done a physical puzzle for a few weeks now, am doing them on the iPad which frankly is much easier but feels cheaty! those pieces are small, my word, I think I’d need more than plain No 2 reading glasses for that!!
It's most irritating to find one's craft supplies have a limited shelf-life, isn't it. I hate not being able to get the lids off things! I was amused at the idea of your hubby buying your pants - anything's possible - my hubby used to buy bras for my mum when she was in the care home!!! He said he always used to have a laugh with the shop assistants, saying he was sure they didn't get many customers like him!
That looks like a fiendishly difficult jigsaw. Rather you than me.
Happy belated WOYWW,
Shoshi #14
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