The "next" scrappage awaiting sticking, the new "bra top" or crop top which I tried at badminton last night. Not worn a bra in about 5 years so as this looked fairly comfortable I gave it a go. Not bad too.

But I HAVE been crafting this week and took photos to prove it. So here is my desk last Sunday.

I made a Sympathy Card on Mum's birthday as Uncle passed away that day too.
I started scrapping on Saturday and completed 3 pages.

I came to make my SWAP ATC on the theme of "January" then my "Heat it Up" heat gun died mid-embossing.

I tried my Ranger Heat Tool but that only came on with heat but no fan and started to smoke so I switched it off PDQ.

He fixed the switch on the Blue one only after ordering a replacement switch and me ordering a NEW PINK one!

So I got to finish my SWAP ATC before my new PINK arrival and have a scrappage ready and waiting.

Wow, that started out as a catalogue of disastrous events but ended very much in the pink.
Sorry about that - it is silly o'clock at the moment and I am rambling.
Hugs, Neet 12 xx
Morning BJ. Goodness o what a lot you have managed to get done this week... well done you.
Take care. God bless.
Margaret #2
Hi BJ, LOs and cards fab.
I hate wearing bras, so I wear crop tops instead.
Sue #13
Hi BJ, I only ever wear the crop top style bras now. I had very bruised ribs last year, and wired bras were a definite no no! I have the pink heat gun, not used it a great deal but it does the job when I need it. You have been busy this week! Have a lovely week Heather #17
Well, I suppose it might be handy having two heat tools! The pink one is very snazzy :-D. The sympathy card is very elegant and perfect for a bloke too, sorry to hear about that though.
Hugs LLJ 11 xxxx
Your card is beautiful - very elegant, but I'm sorry to hear about your Uncle.
Lots of great scrapping going on, I love the little lambs!
Hope you have a great week,
Diana x #20
Hi BJ. My Ranger heat gun gave up on me recently too. No smoke involved, but I have heard from a few people that they don't seem to last too long (a year) over here. I wonder if it's to do with being made for the US market with lower voltage (even with a UK plug). I shall be getting a second pink Docrafts heat gun as the one i already have is very reliable. Hope your new one lasts for a long time. Have a good week. Sarah #6/26
Oh dear, heat guns! It's always worth having a spare as you never know when they may give up. Hope the new one lasts. Have a great woyww, Angela x14x
I heard a HUGE GASP in the craft world when your heat gun went out!! It's one of those things that you don't really realize just how much you use it until you DON'T have it!! Help!!!!! LOL Well good on your hubby for the fix it job! But hey....a new toy is even better! Now you have a back up! LOL Love your scrapping pages, you have been busy! :) Have a great rest of the week! Felicia #31
Hi BJ, I have to admit, I have at least one spare heat gun! Going back in time, almost all my cards featured heat embossing somewhere, and the thought of my gun dying part way through a project used to scare me silly! Glad your problems got sorted out though. Love the card, I think those MM dies are excellent for Sympathy cards. Elegant, but understated. Have a lovely week, Hugs, Shaz #8 XxX
I am glad you got a new gun - hate it when they just go like that! The sympathy card is very elegant. Helen #1
The pink heating tool looks fancy 😎happy woyww,Vicky#5
You have been very busy. Love the new pink heat tool. Hope the 'bra' works out. Beautiful card.
April #29
Hubby has never allow me heating tools (even BEFORE the stroke) - too forgetful, an accident waiting to happen...
I always love your photo lay-outs:)
It's been a while, but happy WOYWW!
no 41
That' the only kind of bra I can tolerate too! Fun layouts and how annoying that your heatgun gives up the ghost mid-process! Yay for the new one - I think I have the same just in black (or blue? I can't remember, I haven't used it for years, but when I bought it I really really wanted it LOL!) Happy belated WOYWW! zsuzsa #19
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