I did manage to make my February ATC swap yesterday but paid the price afterwards. It's hidden as my partner (Sue) is a WOYWWer.
Anyway on my desk you'll see my birthday gift from one of my UKPC members. I think the piece is absolutely divine. It has been left for me to decorate/finish off as I choose so any suggestions would be appreciated.

I glued the fastener to my trinket box yesterday, not sure silicone glue was the best but it was all I had to hand.
The Starry Starry Night is my new cover to my tablet which I got from my son for my Birthday.
So Medical Update
I have an appointment with an Osteopath on Friday for my back.
I had a blood test on 14th for my lady trouble. I got the results the following day, on my birthday, only to be told I had low iron but they couldn't tell if I was anaemic as my blood count vial had lost its label. GP offered iron tablets but I refused and have been eating spinach, pistachios and of course dark chocolate - going for another test in a month's time.
Have my ultrasound appointment for 1st March, hope I can drive by then.
As for the very expensive Orthotics - they still cause problems but I haven't been able to wear-in due to bad back.
If you have made it this far, well done and thank you. Back is giving me jip sitting here so I best post this now.
I hope your appointment with the osteopath gives you some helpful tips to improve your back! I take iron tablets all the time, as I tend towards anaemia. Hope your next blood test doesn't get lost! Love the case for your tablet. Helen #1
Hi BJ, I think your method of boosting your iron intake is far better than tablets. Hope the tests get to the cause of your back problems and that they are resolved before too long. Look after yourself. Sarah #7
Oh BJ so sad to hear you're still suffering. Hopefully Friday will bring some relief. Happy Wednesday Cindy #14 xx
Hi BJ, The plaque is lovely. Like your new tablet cover.
I find Gorilla Glue is great for everything. Not cheap, but you don't use much at a time.
Hope the Osteopath can sort your back out on Friday. I have Arthritis in my two lower vertabrea, so sympathise.
Hopefully your next blood test will show your Iron intake has risen. With your lady problems, it's not surprising you are iron deficient.
You take care. Sue
Beautiful cover for your tablet! Van Gogh is one of my fave artists (and museum is also right next door to my workplace) So sorry to hear you've been suffering and I do hope that these doc appointments will help in getting you relief soon. Big Hugs! Have a wonderful week! xoxo Cheetarah #21
Hi BJ, you must be suffering a great deal. back pain can be horrendous. Love the tablet cover,I'm a big fan of Van Gogh. We're going to Amsterdam in September, and they have a Van Gogh museum, which is top of the places to see! Have a lovely week, Hugs, Shaz #8 XxX
BJ, first of all, I am so sorry that you are health is sad right now!! I pray for your upcoming doctor's appointments and that you get good reports and that healing will be quick! Second, Happy Birthday! What a great gift from your son! And.....I LOVE that piece from your UKPC members and can't wait to see what you do with it when you are feeling better! Take care and make it a great rest of the week and blessings for Friday! Felicia #27
Hi BJ. So sorry to hear your back is still painful. Fingers crossed your Osteopath gets it sorted soon. It's awful not being able go sit and craft comfortably. What a lovely present from your son, very thoughtful! And Happy Birthday! Have a lovely week Heather x #28
So sorry about your back, I know that is extremely painful. Makes my little mouth problems look sad. But hopefully you will get through it, and will be back to crafting soon. I love the Starry Night phone cover! When I look at your other gift, I see bling on the heart, all the way round. Happy Belated Birthday! Hope this week goes better for you, Lindart #29
Hi Bj hope the back starts to feel better soon. great pressy from your son, what a thoughtful person he must be. Wishing you a happy crafty woyww, Angela x16x
I hope the doctors can come up with something that will help you. It is no fun not feeling well, or aging. It seems I am dealing with both those issues! I hope you have a better rest of the week. Happy WOYWW. #24
Awesome neat desk and I love the tablet cover! I hate to hear the back is still an issue. I can empathize. I ended up having this darn surgery with an neurosurgeon cause he said it had to be done and it worked out fairly well...I can walk through the grocery now and stand to cook but I still have a lot of pain! The brain issues are finally starting to right themselves so I am hoping the whole thing goes about being a good thing to have done after all. Have a great week! Vickie #36
Sounds like you are having such a terrible time. I do hope they can come up with a sensible plan. The eating plan sounds very healthy. Love your starry night cover.
sandra de @19
Like your answer to boosting your iron levels, but not so sure about the spinach though. Like your tablet cover I also need a new Kindle cover there's a thought for a birthday pressie. Ani #2
Medically you sound a lot like me. I DID take the iron tablets though - hated the results apart from they did higher my count.
Did I already say I had acupuncture on my back with a Chinese doctor - he gave me my life back - I was able to kick the morphine and codeine went down to a minimum. Mind you my hip is giving me a lot of pain now - maybe I should pay him another visit. With me it is just old age - bits are rusting up!
I have my orthotics through the NHS - have a word with your doctor - if they are not right for you they will change them until they get them right.
Hope this helps.
Love both your birthday gifts - I love Van Gogh.
Hugs, Neet xx9
Love the Kindle Cover - do love that painting by Van Gogh!Anne #15
Thanks for visiting me earlier even though you back is so painful. I really hope it eases very soon for you so you can enjoy life to the full. Please don’t feel you have to leave lots of comments on WOYWW blogs. We will still be here when your health has improved and til then be kind to yourself and rest when your body tells you to.
Big healing hugs,
Annie x #12
Happy Belated WOYWW. I really hope you can get some relief from the pain soon. I would suggest trying CBD oil and/or the balm. I use the balm and it does help ease pain/stiffness (and soothes my Psoriasis). Ali x #13
Lovely cover with that Van Gogh print, happy belated WOYWW and take care of your back, know all too well what a hell it can be, Vicky#31
Hi BJ. My word - life is complicated! Trust all gets sorted before too long. Ah... bags! Well, our church supports two schools in Uganda, and the UK leaders of the charity, (personal local friends) some years ago now, thought how wonderful it would be if the children could each receive a school bag and their very own Bible when they reached Primary 4 level They may be of any age, as the Ugandan school system means you move up when you have reached the next stage, not the next age. Anyway... they got me to design a simple bag - outer, lining and strap, in which they could fit a lovely Bible. So, each year at this time I get out my cutting scissors, clear the dining table, visit Abakhan for their special cheap rolls of fabric, and cut out! 100 outers, 100 linings, 100 straps - give or take a few. Until much nearer the time we are not sure of the exact numbers we will need. Then I package them in packs of ten and distribute to the folk who will sew for us. It's much easier to get people willing to knit than to sew, folk say things like "Oh dear, my sewing skills aren't up to anything complicated"... However, by the middle of June, somehow, we have as many as we need . The team goes out to the schools in July, and have the joy of giving them out to the children. The photos come back of smiling, grinning faces holding up their bag and Bible. I certainly couldn't make them all!!! Only a few.
Take care. God bless.
Margaret #3
Love your Van Gogh tablet cover! Sorry to hear you've been suffering with your back etc...I don't blame you for not wanting to take iron tablets, horrible things that muck up your system. Chocolate is much better!
Hugs LLJ 11 xxx
Hope you feel better soon - I have emailed you re twiddle mitt. xx Jo
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