So all I have managed this week is a birthday card for my friend whose birthday it is today.
I used the freebie fairy die from last week.

And a Valentine for my hubby.

Back still not good but at least the blood test went OK (I usually go woosey and/or they can't get any out of me!)
Dead romantic sitting in GP waiting room together!

Oh and the lone button on my desk was snipped from my nightie in the early hours as I was tossing and turning, most likely the bad back giving me jip but there again I could be a princess!
Oh you poor thing! But you DO have flowers!!
Love and hugs this Valentine's Day x
Happy WOYWW!
no. 3
Hi BJ, I do hope your back is a bit better soon. You'll have to try the button under 6 mattresses to test the princess theory lol. Have a better week. Sarah #14
Ah the romance! Well, at least yur desk is tidy and ready for you when you can face sitting still for long enough; hope it will be better v soon now, it's gone on too long now.
Hi BJ, I do hope your back eases off soon. Had a blood test myself this morning, and the phrase 'getting blood from a stone' is definitely one that applies to me too! Love the cards, both of them.Have a lovely week, Hugs, Shaz #15 XxX
Your flowers are beautiful, such glorious colours. I do hope your back gets better soon
Hugs LLJ 12 xxx
what beautiful flowers! hope your back eases very soon! Helen #1
Hi BJ, hope you recover soon from your bad back. Your flowers are beautiful, as is the card you made for your hubby. Hope you have a lovely week Heather #13
Hiya BJ! (Again). Bad backs are such a nuisance, hope yours gets better soon. Lucky you with flowers! Had to have a giggle at the waiting room 'romance'. I'm all on my lonesome listening to my new 4CD 'Motown' collection in advance of going to see the musical next week. Actually, probably more fun re-visiting my teenage years than falling asleep on the sofa with the OH. Happy Wednesday xx Cindy #22
great work space. Love the cards and flowers. Sorry to hear about your back. Mine is so slow healing but I really feel like it is starting to heal a bit faster since my surgery. Hang in there. Have a better week. Vickie #39
So sorry to hear about your back. Glad the test went well. Love the cards. And the flowers are lovely.
April #23
Gorgeous card and beautiful flowers. Hope your back is better soon. Have a lovely belated WOYWW, Angela x20x
Hi BJ. Great cards - and as for the button - who needs it - You are most definitely a princess - a Child of the Living God!!!
Take care. trust your back starts to feel better soon. God bless.
Margaret #4
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