Unless you count painting my toe nails! Nail polish is on desk at least!

I did get my Bifocal Glasses and that all seems to be going OK.
I am doing a daily diary on my Facebook page like I did with the Varifocals. It's much more positive.
I'm the new advocate for grey hair and bifocals.
I took this photo last Sunday in the Garden of Remembrance where I go to remember my Dad's passing (19 years ago) which just happened to fall on Father's Day this year. Glad I'd had the dedication as well this year, time holding a baby soothes the saddest heart.
Love the toes! Your desk is so neat and tidy - I am jealous.
April #6
yep, too hot to do anything isn't it?! Can't wait for it to cool down later this week. I have just realised reading about your cards I should have got one done last night to get in the post... it will have to be done tonight, can't do it now! Helen #8
Gosh, thanks for the reminder about birthday cards, might have time to get one done now before it gets too hot to craft.
Had to smile about the numbers we all put. Where did I get mine from?
Love the new look!
Hugs, Neet 3 xx
You look a funky babe with your grey and glasses! I'm glad the bifocals are working better than the varifocals. It was the first Father's Day since my dad passed away last year so this one was poignant for me too.
Hugs, LLJ 10 xxx
Love the fish card, that yellow really pops against the blue. So glad you got you specs sorted out, that's a lovely photo.
Hope you have a good week,
Diana x #23
Glad you're getting on better with the bifocals than you did with the varifocals. Lovely neat desk and I don't call those cards cheating, just being creative with time constraints lol. Sarah #28
Hi BJ, love the pic! The colour really suits you. Good to hear so far the glasses are working better for you. Have a lovely week, Hugs, Shaz #9 XxX
Hi BJ! Cute toes LOL! Mine seem to be much longer - then again I wear size 7 shoes! :o Glad you're getting on with your glasses. I never had to bother with glasses until a few years ago, when I suddenly needed reading glasses. I can only see things clearly at an arm's length. Your desk seem nice and neat! Try to stay cool in this heat! zsuzsa #25
I need to get my toes done! Your space is nice and tidy!
Have a great day!
Diane F #27
Great WOYWW. Thanks for sharing xx Jan 31.
Hi BJ, On FB I said I was popping over to your blog and then forgot about it.
The photo doesn't do the card justice.
I like your glasses and hair. I use to colour mine purple, but just can't be bothered now, so it's grey.
Thanks for stopping by my blog.
Sue #15
Grey is definitely all the rage. I couldn't believe it when I did my course last year and all the teenagers were varying shades of grey, there was me dying what I had naturally :D
Have a great week, hoping it cools down drastically soon!
Carmen x #32
Yes, it's definitely been too hot for crafting hasn't it. I painted my nails too, turquoise for me!!
Love your pic. I've been grey since my early twenties and gave up colouring it by 40 so boy am I glad that grey is that latest fashion, although I'm nearly white. Hey ho!
Hugs Lisax #21
Yep I have grey hair and varifocals.... Love my hair you do know we are the height of fashion my daughter says girls at her work are paying a fortune for our hair colour.... mine is 50 shades of grey lots of different greys so I even have a book named after me...lol... I agree far too hot to craft... Love the toes mine are painted deep Red.... Your desk looks ready for action when the temperature cools down!! Have a happy safe week ahead... May #21
Hi BJ,
Thanks for letting me know about the link. I fixed it now.
Bifocals can be tricky; glad yours are working out for you! It's been quite hot here too. I'm sure that's why everything has stopped at my house! haaa.
Kay (2)
I agree about it being too hot to do anything, BJ. I've been flopping about all day. I'm letting my hair go grey at the moment but not sure if it will be permanent. It's certainly a lot less hassle. You've got such dinky feet - mine are all bony!! I haven't painted my toenails for ages. No point at the moment because I have to wear socks all the time (including in bed, even in the heat!) because of the peripheral neuropathy in my feet post-chemo... Oh well, at least I'm alive!!! Great idea to recycle twinchies as card toppers. I like that kind of thinking! Like you, I am thinking of my dad at the moment, too. His birthday was 15th June and always fell around Father's Day. He died 3 1/2 years ago. I miss him so much, but have soooo many happy memories of him.
Happy WOYWW,
Shoshi #26
Yes I agree too. I just can't work at any art work when it's like this. Seemed cooler for a while today but now it's uncomfortable again. Have a great woyww and happy crafting, Angela x22x
Clean desk but I can see you have alot of inspiring
material to work with.
Have a great summerweek!
Sussie nr 41
Your desk looks ready to be worked upon :) happy WOYWW xo Cheetarah #36
Thank you for your return visit, BJ, you of the dinky feet lol! I can't get shoes to fit well either because mine are flat and bony. I go for comfort and not style these days haha! I am very glad too that it's cooler today - unendurable yesterday, and today I can do stuff again. I've decided a good compromise for keeping my grey hair is to colour the ends. Then I don't have to worry about roots, and can continue to enjoy funky colours. Yours looks really great - mine is more pepper-and-salt and not such a nice uniform colour.
Have a great week.
Hi BJ! You've asked about the white pen. It's a Sharpie water-based pen. The only type I haven't managed to kill yet. You can get them on Amazon - I think they come from the US, but some UK shops might sell it too. https://www.amazon.co.uk/Sharpie-Point-Poster-Paint-Marker-White/dp/B00MKULHJQ/ref=pd_bxgy_201_img_3?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1&refRID=8HJ1CRRE9BBYJVSXYZSX
Love your fish card! Grey hair is much easier than colouring, plus my hairdresser started to talk about cancer risk from dyes ( talking herself out of business?) You look great! Glad your glasses are better for you. Have a great week, hugs, Lynne #20
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