When my husband's shirt collars are worn, I remove the top half to make Grandad Collars.
Anyway one of my husband's colleagues liked the way this looks, and as they don't need to wear ties all the time, he has requested I do the same with one of his shirts. It's not worn but the points curl and it's his favourite shirt.

I did a couple of LOs this week too.
My Son's 18th birthday and Christmas.

Please can someone tell my body it has got 10-15 degrees cooler as I am still HOT HOT HOT.
Hi BJ, lovely layouts, and what a clever way to keep shirts in use! Have a lovely week, Hugs, Shax #10 XxX
Hi BJ. Love the layouts - well done. All the best with the shirt collars - I reckon you will have plenty of requests when your handiwork is shown off by two guys in the office!!
Take care. God bless.
Margaret #7
Brilliant idea for shirts, and I love your layouts.
have a good week
Christine #25 ish
Great way to save those shirts! My problem is that the armpits of my hubby's shirts go yellow after a while and there's no way to save those. Your layouts look lovely and tell the story so well! Happy WOYWW! zsuzsa #33
you are a woman of many talents! Great layouts this week as always. Helen #5
Hi BJ I like "granddad collars." I've actually had several shirts like that over the years.So good to see them back in style again! your "sprouts and a tipple" is making me hungry for some Brussels Sprouts!
Rose #22
I have an antique collar box full of old collars and will do something with them one day haha
Wish I could say we are hot hot hot but it's wet and cold and we've got the central heating on.
Lynn 42
Hi BJ good idea with the shirt collars. It has been so hot that I think it will take a while for the house to cool down properly which is probably why you still feel so warm. Have a great woyww and a happy crafty week, Angela x18x
Hubby loves granddad -shirts... and they are so hard to come by these days.
I really like your LO's too... but then, I do love sprouts :)
Have a wonderful WOYWW Wednes-YAY!!!
Bubbles #1
Great idea with the shirt collars... Make do and mend springs to mind... The LO's are fantastic happy memories to cherish.. Have a great creative week ahead.... May #11
What a great idea with the shirt collars, and I admire you for getting on and doing it - my mending bag hasn't been touched for a couple of years now! Love the layouts and yes I'm hot too, so glad it's not just me!
Have a great week and hope you cool down soon,
Diana x #25
Very inspiring craftcorner!
So much to use.
And the layouts are lovely!
I do not participate this week, I am still visiting blogs
from last weeks WOYWW. And just bloghopping this week.
Thank you for visiting me. :)
Have a wonderful week!
What is a "Grandad collar"? Is it like a Nehru collar? My hubby is still waiting for me to hem the shorts he made from an old pair of pants. Hopefully I will get to it before it snows! You are a good wife! Thanks for sharing! Lindart #35
Good idea. Hope you cool down soon! Have a great week, hugs, Lynne #46
What great scrapbook pages.
Sorry I'm so late coming around.
Have a great day!
Diane F #30
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