Still have loads of bits and bobs from the conference printables to use up, which are in the yellow tray along with various tags and items collected too.
My collage for days 5 & 6 includes a sachet from a new tea as a pocket. I sort of actually like Twinings Immune Support but maybe it being my favourite colour is more the reason!Collages for days 7/8 & 9/10 I just went with the flow, using up bits I'd come across sorting out an old paper box and various words and scriptures I had left over in my stash.
I completed the study on Mary Magdalene from the conference in the little booklet which was provided.
Here is my centre spread.
I included a lady image from Gecko Gals plus items from other conference sessions and a magazine picture of a tower as that is what Magdalene translates to.
In my Faith Journal I used the extra resource from Charlene Warwick based on the nameless sinful woman. I made a pocket for the tri-fold sheet on the study for this session.
I love the single continuous line drawings of the women and have quite a few left so they will be popping up in my journal methinks.
Woman go in Peace, Luke 7:36-50.
Also in my Faith Journal I used some of the extra Esther pieces for another page.
The page edge label worked well with my previous pages above, that was a plus.
I church on Sunday we made a tissue Poppy. It was quite taxing for the adults let alone the kids but it's a lovely poignant reminder for Remembrance Sunday.
For my last two collages for days 11 & 12 I included the second of the prayer cards which I got whilst out geocaching last month.
The pocket was from a conference resource (same as day 4 last week).
All the painting and big black marks, were from the mop-up sheet I'd used in the construction of the journal so there wasn't much to do, just add some words and pictures and doodle a bit more.
Happy WOYWW Everyone.
That's an amazing poppy BJ. Love the collage pages and journaling as always. I definitely see Seedless Preserves lol. Stay safe and Happy WOYWW. Sarah
The poppy does look tricky. But the journal pages are stunning as ever and just the balm I need on this dreary ans dismal day.
It's a sad/angry/scared but doing my best WOYWW
Mary Anne (8)
I’d say Berry would cover the colour name choices as well? Lovely colours anyway, I always associate you with purple *grin*. That poppy is fantastic and worth the trouble it took to make!
Hugs LLJ 4 xx
The poppy is stunning ! Some great pages again . Happy woyww Helen #2
That is a gorgeous poppy but looks fiddly to make. You are so impressive with all those journal pages. My brain seems to go numb when I think of working in my journals but I am so easily distracted by other stuff. Wishing you a very happy and productive woyww. Hugs Angela x11x
Your journal pages are all very well done! I love using the scarps I just find on my desk as well. The poppy looks awesome...and yes, trick to make! Have a great week, Lindart #14
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