The eagle eyed will spot my watercolour of my pond.
I had a go at the little square samples last week, along with an origami twisted box, then thought I'd have a go at the pond.
I'm more of a splodge and go type of a painter LOL.

I seem to have managed a few layouts nearly wrapping up May 2020.
So that's me for the week.
Some more plants on order and cracking on with scrapping.
Happy WOYWW Everyone.
Great layouts, and I love the pond which is settling in nicely! Happy WOYWW Helen #1
Amelia is coming on nicely BJ. Hope she got over the shock of being frozen over the other day. The layouts are great - you will have caught up with everything by the end of this year methinks. Stay safe and happy WOYWW. Sarah #7
Morning BJ. Wow. You have been busy!!! Glad your pond is looking so lovely. The long branches into the water are great - birds can wash, frogs can climb in and out - brilliant.
Take care. God bless.
Margaret #3
Your pond is looking really smashing! I love the rainbows as your titles, very clever! Stay safe and keep smiling, Lisa-Jane, #9
I have got the pebbles and rocks ready to tidy up our pond, but because I had tomatoes plants in pots growing on the little bridge...I think the feed must've gotten into the water, because we still have thick green blanket weed. Your pictures have inspired me to go start my to do garden jobs! (only not yet, it's too cold!)I painted our metal white garden chairs and table, (they were my mums and looked like they'd been refused entery to the tip) with the same wood paint I used on the shed and fence...and waterbutt...and pots!
Have a great week. Stay safe, Happy WOYWW((Lyn)) #13
Happy WOYWW. Loving your pond. I used to have a fantastic big/deep pond at the first house I bought when I lived in the West Midlands. Koi Carp and lots of plants. Would like a pond again one day. So many fab layouts. I am going to get on with some scrapping this week. Ali x #23
Your new pond looks fantastic - although it is in danger of freezing over - you would have thought it could be so cold in April? Lovely layouts - happy WOYWW! xx zsuzsa #21
Well done with the layout and the pond is looking good. You've been busy since last week as the pond as moved on lots. Sending big hugs and wishing you a very happy and creative woyww, Angela x17x
Pond is looking great! Who carried all those pebbles, they're huge! Great LOs too. Have a great week, stay well, stay safe, love n hugs Cindy #16 xx
The layouts are lovely and the pond is looking amazing. Happy WOYWW. Take care and stay safe. With love & God Bless, Caro xxx (#14)
Great layouts and watercolours. Your pond is looking lovely, have a great week Angela #6
Love your layouts! Great topics!
And your pond.... LOVE LOVE LOVE!
Have a great week!
Carol N #22
Well, the weather means you’ll be able to crack on with scrapping for sure! I reupholstered our new (to us) dining chairs last summer too, I love the double spread all about chairs. Well done with the pond, you certainly seized the right timeline, it looks marvellous.
A great selection of layouts and am impressed with both watercolour and reality of the pond!
Happy WOYWW!
Susan #19
I love the idea of painting your new pond, BJ. It is so pretty! Just popped over to the post about it. What a lovely job you have all made of it, to enhance an already pretty garden. Love the watercolour samples too.
Happy belated WOYWW and God bless,
Shoshi x #20
Your pond is looking great. What did you think of the twisted origami box design? I find that one the hardest.
Your layouts are looking good
Take care
Lynnecrafts 10
Thanks for your return visit, BJ - glad you enjoyed seeing the carrot shark and the Easter egg - a pond liner is a bit longer-lasting than a chocolate egg haha! A great present.
Have a good weekend.
Shoshi x #20
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