Here's my craftcorner and desk. I've moved my monitor up a "Thesaurus" which has helped my neck enormously.
Oh my life I just dragged the photos on to the blog page (auto response as to how it used to work) and it worked!!! Didn't need to go through the rigmarole of all the steps to upload a photo. YAY .

Still having a bit of trouble placing the photos where I want them and text in between with this new blogger thingy but really happy you can drag them on now.Yep and the new jigsaw is another borrowed one, I tend to swap with a friend when we see eachother at church once a fortnight, other than that and hospital appointments I don't meet up with anyone these days so lovely to have a window into the crafting world via WOYWW.
Just managed to put the text where I wanted too, definitely picked the right title today.
Oh and one last thing, my medical insurance had said it didn't cover the full amount of my anaesthetist's fees but in the end it actually paid it in FULL. Happy dance.
Lots of good news all round by the sounds of things this week BJ. The latest layouts are fab. Look forward to seeing the finished jigsaw. Stay safe and happy WOYWW. Sarah #4
Wow BJ...Now I've been away so long.. Jigsaws? Are you swapping bits of them in the hope of inventing another picture!? The layouts above are fabulous, it's nice to look back to when things were 'normal!' Have a great day
Happy WOYWW!?
((Lyn)) #8
Such fun layouts! Good luck with the puzzle! Thing about puzzles, they need to be the right level of challenging without being too easy or too frustrating! Hope your neck continues to improve! I've checked my monitor to see if I could raise - but nope, it's fixed in one position, oh well... Happy WOYWW! zsuzsa #9
Hi BJ. Wow - what a week! Lots done and completed, a new jigsaw, fees paid... goodness. Well done. "Going to church" - the last time I met with the other folks in my church, in our building, was March 15th. By the following week we had closed the doors, and although we opened for 4 weeks recently, I didn't go due to meeting up with my family (It was permitted then!). Now we are all closed up again for at least 3 Sundays... How good to know that Father knows!
Take care. God bless.
Margaret #2
You had fun with those LOs, they look great! I’m on a jigsaw kick as well, did a large craft themed one last week but forgot to take a pic of it, doh!
Hugs LLJ 11 xx
Really pleased about the medical insurance, honestly, they try so hard not to pay out what is in effect, your invested money. Good news. Lovely layouts, you’ve had a very productive week!
HI, BJ great news about the insurance, result!! Have a good week and crack on with your fab layouts . Helen #1
Hi BJ, nice news about the insurance, thats good. I think this new Blogger is full of surprises, I'm sure it would have been easier if they'd introduced the changes gradually, so we could get our heads around them, rather than all in one the layouts, the sunflowers are so cheerful.Stay safe, have a lovely week, Hugs, Shaz #3 X
you have been really busy! Lovely pages. Not tried to drag and drop photos on blogger, still doing it the old way. Have a great week. Soojay #26
Terrific pages ~ You have been on a roll. It's nice to have someone to swap puzzles with. We chance it at the thrift store buying used but so often it's missing a few pieces. Your craft corner looks like fun ~ I'm glad your medical bill worked in your favor I hope I have the same luck with my dentist bill. Blessings on the rest of your week! Love, Karen #22
It sounds like you've been having a good week all round, really pleased for you. We all need a bit of something to smile at right now. Have a lovely happy and creative woyww, Angela x18x
Great layouts, BJ, and I am so glad your medical bill was paid in full! I love the idea of the monitor being propped up on a Thesaurus lol - very erudite I'm sure - and if it's good for your neck, so much the better! I just hope you don't need to look up a word.
Thank you for your comments - I got all 3 so no worries - all the comments are moderated. I'm so glad you like Tiny Carpet #5 - next step is to design #6, the last one. It's a really fun project and the cross stitch is very relaxing to do. Yes, it's sad about Granny's glass - I really loved it. These things are meant to be used, whatever the sentimental value, and in use, there's always a risk of breakage unfortunately. I am getting a rare opportunity to go shopping when I have my eye test next month and I shall have a good look in the charity shops to see if I can find something similar - cut glass is so pretty.
Happy WOYWW,
Shoshi #14
I was intrigued to read you dragged a pic onto a blog page... that's a new one to me and I don't quite know how you might do that... but then I'm not really techy!
Looks like you've been really busy with your layouts... great stuff!
Take care and stay safe
Chrissie #21
Hello BJ, nice positive post today, sounds like you are having a good week! Certainly cracking through those scrap layouts! Have a good week, stay well, stay safe, Cindy #19xx
Well done on getting your pictures where you want them. I have never been able to arrange my blog like that, but I haven’t tried with the new blogger. I spent a lot of time reading yesterday - Warrior Cats, the last book, oh it was good! Have a great week Angela #26
Good morning, BJ. thanks for the visit. Love the layouts. Seems as if things were going as they should for you this week thus far. Keep going! Sometimes blogger surprises us. :-) Creative Blessings! Kelly #25
Great layouts! I’m so glad all the fees were covered after all.
Stay safe and happy WOYWW
Lynnecrafts 6
Howdy BJ,
Don't you just love having medical insurance?! My hubby and I would be in BIG trouble without it.
Your crafty corner and desk look so warm and inviting - but you are braver than I to tackle jigsaw puzzles. I haven't met a jigsaw puzzle yet that I like. lol. I prefer Sudoku, electronic Solitaire and occasional crossword puzzles. Have fun with that one!
Thanks for stopping by my for a gander at my paint 'haul'.
LuLu #33
Lovely layout - makes me wonder why I am stressing over my justification and maybe I should go with the flow.
Sorry to see that the exercises irritated your neck, having problems with both my shoulder and the neck it makes me wonder what the answer is for these things. However, it was good news to know that your fee was not charged.
Enjoy that jigsaw but don't do too much at once.
Hugs, Neet xx13
Definitely on a roll! I am so behind with my scrapbooking - I must make a conscious effort to get on with it and just DO it! If I can bear to put the stitching down first.. :D
Well done with all the layouts - and good luck with the jigsaw!
Sorry I am late visiting…. Happy WOYWW!
Susan #21
Calling All Crafters! – My Blog!
Glad to see you finished a lot of layouts. I’m so behind and I hoped to do more this week, but only finished one page from last year. I love the way your post looks with photos on one side and text on the other. I need to figure out how to do that. Sorry for the late visit. I hope you had a great week. Dorlene #31
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