About Me

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Hi, Welcome to my Blog. I'm an eclectic kind of crafter delving into many pots. I am just about managing to keep up my Scrapbooking Diary (currently a year behind!), plus any cards as required. As my Carpal Tunnel allows I am getting into yarn/fabric crafts with slow stitching and needle felting added to my list. I continue with my love of Watercolour and Bible Journaling plus Faith/Art Journaling with acrylics and inks. I completed my challenge to make an art journal page a day for my 60th year in 2024. My list of crafty exploits includes ATCs, Tags, Altered Books, Mixed Media, Décopatch, Knitting, Crochet, and Embroidery. I live in Surrey, UK with my husband, our son has left home now. For exercise I usually play Badminton and go Ballroom and Latin Dancing. I also like Walking/Geocaching. I have been learning to play the harp for the past 10yrs. I am now officially retired. I am a born again Christian, currently worshiping at my local Evangelical Church.

Wednesday, 1 November 2017

WOYWW #439 Scrap & Sparkle

Here's my desk late Tuesday Evening. In the middle of being SWAP fairy but then had badminton so the desk will be like this Wednesday morning too.....

Got my sparkle card out, my Bible Study books are on top of my next set of photos. The scissors are for some sewing I have to do later so I'll have to clear up for the sewing machine.

And I'm seeing a surgeon about my foot today too. All go here.

But 2017 scrapping has begun at last!

Had a few dissociated photos for January but, by a serendipitous moment, when putting my scrap gift away, a spotty 12x12 page with a circle cut out landed over my photos and eureka that got me going.

There's me and hubby geocaching in the sunshine on 2nd and then snow 10 days later!

The second page was a little harder, but I eventually did it.

Hubby cycling with a friend, the pheasant which popped into our garden and the embroidery floss I was gifted via the now defunked streetlife.

I have done a double layout of my friend's son over his first 5 months but can't really show it on here.

My latest LO is of my 53rd Birthday back in February!

Will be attempting a single page for the rest of February next...... 

None of this single photo on a 12x12 page for me unless it is really special as my scrapping is my photo diary.

Oh and I did my SWAP card on the theme of SPARKLE last month too.

Happy WOYWW Everyone


Helen said...

What a busy time you've had - well done for getting into 2017 scrapping! Hope the surgeon has some good news for you for your foot. Helen #4

BJ said...

Oh dear just found 10 comments (all on different previous posts) from a rather questionable source. Have deleted them all. First time I have ever come across this and hope no one else gets them too. BJ#1 and glad she gets e-mails for all comments as I would never have realised otherwise.

Shoshi said...

Love the idea of your “year book” of layouts BJ. I particularly like the New Year one. Just managed to make out the title of your Bible study book and found the first chapter to read online - what a great book! I see she has also devised a course for groups based on this. Do you lead your group? I’d love to hear more about what you do. I lead a weekly in-depth Bible study group. Have a great week!

Happy WOYWW,
Shoshi #5

glitterandglue said...

Morning BJ. Goodness - you have been busy. Trust the sewing all gets done today.
Take care. God bless.
Margaret #3

Neet said...

Love the circles and ovals you have cut out, perfect shapes for putting the photos behind. Well done you on what at first was a happy accident (I take it the photos were on the table when the page was just put down).
Good luck with the surgeon - will be thinking of you.
Hugs, Neet 12 xx

lisa said...

Gorgeous scrapping, BJ, you've certainly been busy. I love how you've got so many photos on each page, I struggle to get more than one or two on. I hope your appointment with the foot surgeon goes well.
Hugs Lisax #18

sandra de said...

Congrats on No. 1.... all the best with your surgeon appointment.
sandra de

Lunch Lady Jan said...

Lovely scrapbook pages - how lovely to look back on your year like that! Good luck with the foot appt.
Hugs LLJ 13 xxxx

Diana Taylor said...

You've done some lovely layouts there. I like the little cogs on the pheasant page, they look great with the bike photo. I have recently discovered glitter card and am loving it - I like the fact it's pretty much non-shed as I hate the way glitter gets everywhere. I don't have that lovely bright pink yet but I'm adding colours regularly - that one might be next!
Hope you have a great week,
Diana #14 xx

Sarah Brennan said...

Hi BJ, I'm impressed with how much you've done in 2017 since last week scrap book wise. Good luck with your appointment regarding your foot. Happy WOYWW Sarah #23

craftyani said...

Gosh you seem to work on such a small desk you must be one tidy person! love the sparkle card. Good luck with the consultation. Anickoana #8

Sue said...

Hi BJ, Lovely LOs.

Hope your appointment about your foot goes well.

Sue #15

Crafty Little Miss K said...

All these scrap pages have me itching to get into my new craft room! Good luck with Dr
Karen xx

shazsilverwolf said...

Hi BJ, love that sparkle card. The layouts are lovely and all so different, I don't know how you manage it. Hope the surgeon has good news for you. Have a lovely week, Hugs, Shaz #6 XxX

Ellie said...

Hello! I love your scrapbook pages, I wish I could get into it. Wow you do have lots going on, I hope all went well with your surgeon today. Ellie x

Ellie said...

sorry I forgot to put I am #35
This is my first time hehe

Shoshi said...

Thanks for your return visit, BJ, and for all your lovely comments! Yes, the kittens are really cute, aren't they! They are full of fun and so affectionate too. The 5:2 diet is also known as the Fast Diet and you can google it. It means you eat a maximum of 500 calories 2 days a week, and eat normally (but sensibly) on the remaining 5. My 2 days are Mon and Thurs. This way, you are not constantly calorie counting or avoiding all the things that make life enjoyable - I eat cake, chocolate etc. but in moderation! It's the only diet I've ever been able to stick to and it's now become a way of life which really isn't that hard to do. I recommend it to everybody! It was invented by a doctor (Dr. Michael Moseley who is often on TV) as a spin-off from some research he was doing a few years ago on partial fasting and longevity. I would have taken 2 years to get this far rather than 3 if I had not been ill in 2015 and told by my surgeon to stop dieting while I was undergoing cancer treatment - I only lost 1 lb in 2015!

Your Bible study group sounds like most church groups, I'm afraid. They are lovely for fellowship but tend not to go very deep, because sadly so many churches have little grasp of the subject and there's a dearth of good teaching even from the ministers, sad to say, in over 30 years as a believer I have found this to be a common theme. I can give you a lot more info about what we do via email - I'll have a look on your blog in a mo and see if you've got an email link - if not, you can always contact me via mine - contact form near the top in RH sidebar.

Sorry you got spammed. Moderating comments really helps.

Shoshi #12

Felix the Crafty Cat said...

Busy lady, looks like you've lots going on here. good luck with getting your foot sorted too. Have a great week and happy woyww, Angela x11x

Heather M said...

Hi BJ, I'm loving the layouts! I've almost finished my wedding album, and a couple of the 12 x 12s did have single photos but it is a special book so I am excused. Good luck with getting your foot fixed! Have a lovely week, Heather #7

CraftygasheadZo said...

Am loving your layouts. You have been busy. Hope your appointment went well. Take care Zo xx 26

Lindart said...

Sounds like you are on your way to finishing 2017 before 2018! Obviously it is what you were supposed to be doing since providence started it for you by dropping the first page on your photos! Great layouts, hope the foot appointment goes well! Thanks for sharing, have a great week! Lindart #36

Julia Dunnit said...

Am late, sorry! Nice sparkly card, and such controlled diary type scrapbooking, am so impressed - so far from the way I do it, I bet it makes you shudder to compare! I was 53 this year too, and do you know, I dont think I have a single photo from that day!!

Zsuzsa Karoly-Smith said...

Lovely layouts BJ! You're so good at this! Those memories would be lost forever otherwise! Thanks for visiting earlier! I'm a little late this week, but trying to catch up with everyone who was kind enough to comment! Hope your appointment went well - enjoy your weekend! zsuzsa #22

Monica said...

Finally have time to sit at computer and comment . Yes you did get #1 and here I am at computer again this time it is 4 50 am. Starting on 2017 layouts in November means some busy crafting ahead.
Monica #2

Elizabeth said...

Hope the visit to the foot surgeon went well BJ. You've been busy - your layouts and card are lovely. Thank goodness for the swap fairy :) Congrats on making #1, I almost made the last WOYWWer, something of a record for me. Hugs, Elizabeth x #37