Anyway Julia's Facebook post for WOYWW prompted me to get my post done today, so still in my nightie here is my desk.

I have actually done some scrapping, Shock Horror!
All this talk about doing cards for this year's Christmas and I am still on last year's Christmas photos for scraping!

Having fixed last week's Corsa Doll "Red", I thought I'd make the hanger for his friend "White" the same so will be doing that this week.
Both were very faded so I have touched up their mouths and eyes with Sharpie pens. Took a while to dry but seems to have done the trick.
I also have a bigger version of "Blue" who sits on the dashboard.

Here is a picture of them all, Cheri, White, Blue Moo, and Red. I guess I only liked the male versions!!

I received this lovely array of colourful items for a SWAP on the theme of "Colour Fest" from fellow WOYWWer Sue.

And the delivery man, what is he delivering you may be thinking?
Well the scorching sun from past months has done untold damage to our kitchen "caravan" skylight so Hubby ordered a new one. Hope the rain will go away so he can fit it soon.....
Better get dressed before the delivery man comes don't you think!
Hi BJ,
I had a blue that was suctioned to the window of my car I'm not sure what happened to him. I don't know if he ever made the transition from old car to new. I called him 'come on!' cos that's what he said all the time. Great photos - thanks for sharing! Lyns xx #20
Great photos. Hope the delivery man turns up when he says he will (especially having woken you so early). Happy WOYWW Sarah #23
That last picture is like something out of a horror movie - the dark shadow sneaking up.oooooh.....shivers :-D Thank goodness for your explanation of what is actually is, lol!! And yay for blogging in your nightie, I quite often do that to :-D
Hugs :LLJ 6 xxxx
Hi BJ, I was so interested in getting to The Range, I completely forgot about The Works! That Glitter Paper stack is a definite must buy. I can see I shall be off over town again tomorrow, lol. Love the layout. Have a lovely week, Hugs, Shaz #3 XxX
I find it so embarrassing when the postman or delivery man comes and I'm still in my PJs! It's not much fun getting woken by one either! Nice little layouts - though I refuse to think of Christmas yet - and cute dolls! Never heard of them before! Happy WOYWW! zsuzsa #26
Great space and thanks for sharing xx Jan (36)
well it may have been a rude awakening, but at least we got a desk from you - and some great makes, love the scrap pages! Helen #1
Your creative space isn't merely a desk - it is an art installation. I really like your photo of it. Mine's still very much a work in progress...well, more work than progress this summer Lolz. Your Corsa dolls are fun.
Happy WOYWW!
Rose #35
Lots of loveliness including the Christmas LOs. Thanks for sharing - Hazel, #25 x
Happy WOYWW. I loved those Corsa adverts. Never really noticed 'Moo' before, and now want one! Been to look at them on Ebay and seriously tempted. I have never seen a caravan damaged like that by the sun. Hope the courier turned up after his early alarm call. I usually get a text about delivery times. Ali x #11
I'm having to take my time getting round this week due to a bad head cold but I'll get there. I think the couriers enjoy that! I so love the dolls, they are brilliant. Happy belated woyww, Angela x19x
Looks like you've been very busy! Those dolls are cute - did you make them all? Hope you have a successful skylight change - that one does look a little scorched! Thanks for sharing, Lindart #33 - but Mr Linky will take you to a page that says my post does not exist - Fake News! click on "home" and it will take you to the post!
Hope the delivery was something crafty - after getting you up so early! The Works shop has quite a lot of useful craft stuff and at reasonable prices - the B&M shop has a great set of glitter card that doesn't 'shed' and also at a good price.
Bernice #22
I dont know how appreciative I would be of a 7.30 call regarding a delivery slightly later in the day!!! YOuve got the old desk space super tidy and you've done scrapping...most impressive! As for the skylight...I'm wondering if its actually stopped raining since Wednesday....it's beginning to get boring!
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