On the left my new driving glasses, great - on the right my trusty reading glasses excellent for all sorts of stuff, like crafting, reading, ironing, cooking etc.
In the middle the glasses of torture land, not much use for anything at all.
Then the medication, which seems isn't much use to me either and the GP said on Monday I may as well stop taking it, so I am left in limbo land there too.

And it would seem I have Osteoarthritis in my fingers so the embroidery has had to be put on hold as I don't think it helped matters really.
Then my trusty tape measure used to measure the distance from my eyes to various things as outlined on my daily Facebook diary of my experiences with the varifocals.
On the plus side, I did make my ATCs, a dozen of them over the weekend. I was prompted by seeing paint pots on a desk last week and in honour of our wonderful host, Julia, I have made mini interpretations of a design of hers I loved back in February.
So that's one for my partner, one for me and one for Julia, so 9 left up for grabs if anyone would like to SWAP.
I understand your frustration with the glasses - I tried varifocal contact lenses which weren't a success! So I have ordinary contacts for long distance and put readers over the top if I need to craft etc! And I'm sorry the meds didn't do the trick, if your GP doesn't have any more ideas, then ask for a referral to see a consultant...you deserve to get proper help to get this issue sorted.
Love the ATCs, thanks for dropping by each week to comment on my blog, it's much appreciated!
Hugs, LLJ 10 xxx
Good morning, BJ and happy WOYWW8 anniversary! I'm sorry to hear you're having trouble with varifocals. Mine went back to be changed several times before they got it right. Even now, I'm more likely to push them onto my forehead and squint when doing fine work.
Your ATCs, look lovely. I'd be love to share, and will send my address so you can send me yous.
Have a great week, hugs, Lynne (Lynnecrafts) Currently #23 but I think that might change when the duplicates are deleted....
I am SO lucky. I only need glasses to drive. I can see up close and at midrange. Sorry your GP is out of ideas to help you. I agree with Jan, though.
I was delighted to see you back at WOYWW. It's been far too long since I've visited you, although you were kind to visit me recently. Happy 8th Anniversary from # 1.
Good morning my friend and a very happy 8th year anniversary. What a wonderful group we are part of.
I'm sorry to hear of your arthritis....I too am a sufferer and I find when my hands start to ache I move onto a different craft....that way I'm using my hands differently but still keeping them moving so they don't sieve up and stiffen too much.
Annie x #19
Morning BJ. Happy 8th WOYWW anniversary! Trust you manage to get all things sorted soon. John had varifocals for years - and loved them - but I'm sorry you aren't getting on too well with them yet. Love your mug mat!!!
Take care. God bless.
Margaret #6
Hi BJ, sorry to hear you're not getting on with your varifocals. It must be one of those things that people either take to like a duck to water, have to work hard at but get there in the end or no amount of practice will improve. Hope you manage to get there in the end. Happy WOYWW anniversary. Sarah#27
Oh goodness, what a time you're having - I am so sorry to hear the medication isn't working, I was told there are two or three different types of medication that all do the same job although only one was safe for me because of my medical history so perhaps your GP could change the meds for you, or maybe perhaps refer you to a consultant now as it's been going on for so long.
Good luck and I hope you get something done about it. I also hope you get your glasses sorted out - hubby swears by varifocals but I know other people who hated them and never got on with them. Good luck.
I love your ATC's and should perhaps have got myself organised to join in, but I just can't commit at the moment, with the frame of mind I'm in lately!!
Happy WOYWW Anniversary,
Diana xx #21
Hi BJ, been following your frustration with the glasses- hope you get something sorted out. I'd love to swap with you, I'll PM you my addy on Facebook. Have a lovely week, Love and hugs,Shaz #7 XxX
As a myopic I have always worn corrective lenses, as I aged I was lucky my sight did not change for ages, recently i started using reading glasses with my corrective lenses ( contacts) but was recommended varifocal lenses ( glasses or contacts)by my trusty optometrist - I tried both, gave up,
I Have been killing myself laughing over your attempts to use your varifocals, as a person that regularly suffers vertigo you have my sympathy - I advise you bin them
I stick with the multiple pairs - may I suggest - contact lenses for the myopia stored in the eyes, reading glasses for close up stored on the head, sun glasses about the neck by a dangle and a very low 'dose' reading set in the pocket for middle distance ... I promise you I look less foolish than my freind who refuse to wear any corrective lenses and can't order a meal without looking very strange in deed as they hold the menu a foot away from their faces!
Thank you for your daily updates I have looked forward to them and in some ways want it to continue, but I think it' time for your suffering to end... doone @23
Know how difficult varifocals can be it is over 30 years since I had mine and took me ages to get used to them, going downstairs was the worse. Persevere with them. Like your ATC's. Anickoana #15
I have been following your struggles with the glasses, as you know - hope something settles soon, or you'll have to go back.. as for the GP and the meds - well, that's a right pain in the wotsit! hope something can be done - I agree with Jan too, ask for a referral. Helen #2 can't offer an atc in return as I don't have any more made, but I am sure you will have willing swappees! Helen #2
Hi Bj, Might be worth going back to the Opticians to make sure they have the lenses right.
Sorry the meds aren't helping. Hope they can come up with something else.
Thanks for stopping by my blog.
Happy WOYWW, 8th Anniversary
Sue #21
I like how orderly your desk looks. I'm only sorry I did not join in again early on in the spring so that i would have then been able to exchange ATCs with some of our fellow deskers! I guess I've been away from my desk too long!
Nonetheless, Happy 8th seems in order!
Rose of Rose's Art Garden #50
That blue colour is beautiful! It really jumps out from the photos - stunning :)
I really should wear my glasses - but I find them so annoying to be honest lol. Especially in this hot weather, they make the bridge of my nose sore :(
Have a Wonderful Wednesday!
Bubbles #36
I am not really sure what varifocals are but, I hope they start working for you soon.
The colors on your cards are so vibrant and Cheerful! ~Stacy #42
If you have any ATCs left I'd love to swap. Ipswich2 at aol dot com.
Sorry you've had a lousy week. The glasses do take some getting used to. I still end up taking them off to read. I just like reading, doing close up work without them.
Happy WOYWW anniversary
Sharon K #37
Happy 8th WOYWW anniversary! Your desk looks suitably busy! We are so lucky to be part of the WOYWW sharing, caring community of like minded folk - long may it last! x Jo
I'm sorry you are having troubles with your glasses, I know how frustrating that can be. Your ATCs look lovely, one of my fav colors! Happy WOYWW Anniversary! Lindart #51
Oh poor BJ, you really are in the wars. I know that struggle with varifocals, I have tried twice and each time asked for my money back because they get the prescription wrong on the intermediate bit, and the opticians don't seem to understand that the intermediate simply doesn't focus. I hope you get them sorted, keep going back and make it clear that you are not paying £150 ish for something that is not right.
As for the arthritis in the hands, have you tried Voltarol gel on your hands? After I rubbed it on my knee I realised my hand join were painfree, and I can crochet confortably.
Thanks for visiting my page and Yes it was lovely and quiet the night I took that picture.
Bless you
Chris #3
I absolutely love your ATC design, you clever stick! I think the glasses is just a week of your life that they owe you now...I think you have definitely carried out a proper test run! As for the meds, if it's to do with the Niagara that you're suffering...has anyone suggested tranexamic acid? They are a natural acid which closes blood vessels, so regulating and controlling was so so much easier.. I was given a great box full and left to self medicate practically. They were amazing. And I had meflenamic acid to help control pain. Don't put up with it anymore, the GP suggesting you stop taking it if it's no good isn't really much help in the longer term.
I only need specs for close work, reading etc so my specs hang around my neck - can't read labels in supermarkets if I don't wear them, trip over my own feet if I do wear them! Your ATCs look great! Chrisx48
Hi BJ, Angela here and I need your address to send your ATC. You can send it using the comment Form on my blog if that's okay. Of all the days to choose, my friends came round and we've been out most of the day so I am trying to catch-up with the visits before bed. So I apogise for not getting to you earlier. Happy woyww anniversary, Angela x17x
Sorry I meant the Contact Form. It's on the right hand side a little way down. Angela xXx
Happy 8th Anniversary! I get the frustration with the glasses...I just came from the Eye dr., who said my progressive prescription was fine, not worth getting a new pair...meanwhile I can't read my music or anything tiny or low-contrast! Grrrr. Good luck! Have a great week.
-K #39/40
Happy 8th Anniversary BJ. Oh dear I feel your pain with the varifocals, but it does get better when you persevere. I have varifocals in one lens and ordinary ones in the other due to having no reading vision and felt very unbalanced but it does get better I promise.
Good Luck with them
Hugs Lisax #26
Thanks for your visit earlier .... have sent you a pm.
I remember having a similar varifocal story myself, I'm back to separate glasses and, like Julia, I have a pair of readers in every room and handbag!!!
Christine #22
Beautiful ATC's you have made they are just so perfect for anyone who joins along and I have a Anniversary #8 button on my post running so behind this year !!
Hugs Nikki last place :)
Happy 8th woyww, I am late visiting and want to thank your for your lovely comments. I made the transition to multifocal glasses and what a transition I think I stumbled around for the first week as I got used to the glasses. now I can't do without them. Have a lovely week.
sandra de @27
I think when you give it time you will get used to the varyfocal glasses, be patient. I do hope you're other medical issues can be solved, you only know what it means to have good health if you're not, but good to see that you were still able to produce a huge batch of ATCs for the anniversary, Happy very belated WOYWW, Vicky
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