So I joined the FaceBook group, Octopus for a Preemie UK and have been researching the requirements as they are quite stringent.

I have a sock stuffed with my stuffing and a few lengths of my yarn as they aren't on the "recommended" list and certainly don't say whether you can wash at 60C either! We'll see.

Other things I have been up to.
SWAP card using peel-offs.

Peel-Off Journal page as I discovered a lighthouse and have been wanting to do a lighthouse page in ages.

I did a scrapbook page inspired by a lovely WOYWWer although it isn't a bit like the original, I was inspired.

And here's my latest embroidery photo
Off to the dentist to have a broken tooth/filling seen to. It broke a month ago and it was not right for a while before that so looking forward to eating on both sides again!
Wow, I can't believe the variety of your work and talents. Hope you get the tooth sorted soon and are pain free. Sarah #11
Hope your visit has been successful and you can enjoy your food again.
The Octopi look interesting....
Have a good week
Christine #17
Lots going on today and it looks like you're going to be busy too. Have a great crafty week and happy woyww, Angela x16x
Hi BJ, gorgeous projects on your desk again. I saw the Preemie Octopuss on Facebook, I though it was a great idea.My youngest son was a Prem- 25 weeks, 6 days- and spent a few weeks in the neo Natal unit. Have a great week, Hugs, Shaz #15 XxX
It looks like you can apply yourself to any craft and it comes out beautifully. best of luck wth the octopus for a prem.
sandra de @10.
Hi BJ, The Octopus sounds interesting. Love the box of coloured wool.
Your card, LO and journal page are lovely.
Looking forward to seeing your embroidery as it progresses.
Sue #4
A great variety of crafts on show today - I particularly like the embroidery project - haven't done any of that in years (just cross stitch). Hope the visit to the dentist goes well and isn't too painful:-(
Bernice #2
I saw that Octopus for a Preemie baby thing too, good for you for having a go. You're right, there did seem to be a lot of restrictions, obviously all pertinent, I must admit it did put me off a bit. I adore your embroidery project, in fact I zoomed in to have a really good look. I'm really enjoying seeing the progress of your work. When my craft room is sorted out, I'm going to try some embroidery too..you have inspired me! And it's Leonard Cohen's Hallelujah btw :-D
Hugs, LLJ 1 xxx
PS Hope your tooth is better.....
FAB desk and pix - well done on all the charity knitting too
Lots of different and interesting things going on on your desk. hope your thooth is better, Happy WOYWW, Vicky #4
Making an octopus is a fantastic idea, I've just popped over to see the link and might investigate further as I can crochet but not knit very well, and most things seem to be for knitters. I love your new embroidery, very pretty. Hope your tooth is better, and thanks so much for stopping by earlier.
Diana x #6
I'm so pleased I inspired you BJ, yours is a beautiful page. It's great how you see something that starts you off and then you take it in your own direction, I am always doing that.
Love your lighthouse journal page, that's really beautiful, the colours are gorgeous.
Good Luck with your octopus and I hope your teeth are feeling better after the dentist.
Hugs Lisax #12
Gorgeous makes BJ! hope the pain from the dentist has subsided now. Helen #3
What a worthy cause - the octopus' look like fun to make! Too bad about your tooth, but hopefully you will feel much better after your visit! Your journal page is lovely, my hubby likes lighthouses too, and so I have several lighthouse stamps! Thanks for sharing! Lindart, #35
Love the idea for the octopus/octopi...?
Anyway... wonderful idea :)
I love peel-offs - your journal page is exceptionally beautiful :)
Have a wonderful Wednesday!
Bubbles #27
Look at all that thread! Wow! I am enjoying looking at your lovely swap card and your lighthouse journal page. But my favorite is your scrap page. But, all of it is lovely work! Happy WOYWW! #38
I love those pretty balls of yarn! Do you do much knitting? That's something else I like to do too!
The peel offs are quite effective, aren't they.
Hi BJ, you've been busy. I thought the requirements for the Preemie Octopus pattern were a bit strict too. I have a lovely big bag of stuffing bought from Dunelm Mill which I will put through the sock test - it's good quality so I don't see why it shouldn't. I can vouch that the card is much nicer in real life. Have a great week. Elizabeth x #23
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