Not sure if it is flu this year or just a nasty sore throat, aches and sore skin type of virus but I'm off work feeling yuk!
So on my desk is just an empty tissue box, indicative of my condition.
Photo taken from my sick bed!

A university visit with my son and our road being resurfaced plus our postman!

Also an impromptu birthday card for one of my husband's friends who had a party which is where I probably got this virus as his wife was ill with something!!! Ho Hum
Sorry to read you have this year's nasty cold bug - feel better soon
Great deak and projects
Happy 400th WOYWW
Happy 400th WOYWW. Snap! I had flu from just after Christmas to about 10 days ago, and then I caught a cold from my eldest granddaughter (symptoms starting on Sunday). The sore throat has been the worse symptom - today I have started sneezing. I am really looking forward to finally feeling well for more than a few days. I started some ATCs yesterday, but now they are sitting on my desk whilst I hide out in the living room. I plan to get back to my craft room after lunch and walking the dog (the problem with having animals is that they still need care when we are ill). Ali x #4
Sorry to read you are ill. We've had a flu outbreak in the States, too. It has hit hard in many states.
Your 42 is wonderful. I see you are also a fan of the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Universe.
So sorry to hear you're so poorly, this cough virus is very bad this year already.
Love the card.
Happy 400th and have a good week
Christine #22
Nice card there. Sorry to hear you're under the weather and hope it clears up soon. Have a great woyww and a happy crafty week, Angela x 23
Hope you feel better Soon BJ. There are quite a few ladies on here that have a cold as well , its doing the rounds .
Lovely layout . Happy 400th woyww Jill #41
Oh its miserable isn't it - I've had something for about 4 weeks, just shaking it off now..not very often I get forced back to bed by feeling crappy, hope yours passes very soon. Your scrapbook page is fun and reminds me that I should do a page about my wonderful postman too - he may not know it, but he is an essential cog in my life machine!
Hope you're feeling better soon. Funnily enough my brother's 42nd birthday card used the same theme! Douglas Adams eat your heart out. Happy 400th WOYWW. Sarah #17/18?
oooh sorry to hear you are not well and hope you are better very soon. Postmen and women are important as they deliver the craft goodness that keeps us all going. Tracy #31
oh poor thing, hope you feel better soon. at least you were able to join in for the big 400! Helen #1
Hi BJ. Happy 400th - but so sorry you are feeling so rotten. Hope it soon all clears up. Oh for a neat and tidy desk like yours - mine looks so bad I haven't even taken a pic this week!!!
Take care. God bless.
Margaret #3
It must be so hard to have be in your sick bed looking at your desk! I'm sorry you are so sick and hope you feel better soon!Happy 400th, and thanks for sharing! Lindart #47
Hi BJ,
I hope you feel better real soon! For me there are certain times of the year that I seem to get sick.
Happy 400th WOYWW
Kay (37)
Just popped over to say thanks for the comment and noticing I've been awol, I sent you a reply email but I don't know if you'll get it or not so I'm doubling up with this! Just having a stressful time at the moment - I don't know if I'll have anything to show this coming Wednesday. I hope you are soon feeling better, there are a lot of nasty coughs about, my nephews have both been off school with it and I'm keeping my distance from them!!
Take care,
Diana x
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