I could happily comment on Vicky Fisher and Angela Radford's Google+ blogs, so what makes their set up so different???
As for my desk, not much happening, other than my next set of photos awaiting inspiration and my Godson's birthday card pending.

I did do a scrap page over the weekend. It had been lurking for simply ages as I wasn't sure whether to wait for the photos of the sunflowers flowering or not but went with not.
Love your scrap page! The octagon photos are great! Love shaped photos. I have a Sunflower page to do; only mine is a field. Have to get the photos printed. Thanks for sharing! #45
I don't know the answer and wish I did... I have noticed this before. Great layout. Helen #1
I love the way you presented your photos on your pages! Octogons, tall strips...ingenious way of getting a lot of photos on the page! I too have had trouble with one of my friend's constantly being asked for a Wordpress profile creation whenever she wants to comment. I don't have any idea why she gets this because lots of other people on Blogger have been able to comment on my Wordpress blog without being asked for a Wordpress account.
Great projects. Love the layouts. Happy WOYWW. Elaine no. 20
Great scrap page BJ. Computers do my head in sometimes, they do stuff and you can't find out why they are doing it. I was just reading what you were saying about leaving comments. It has to be something in the way the settings have been done but the problem is that you don't always know yourself that there is a problem unless someone like yourself says something and even then you've got to try and find the problem. Let's hope it resolves itself! Happy woyww, Angela x 19
Hi BJ, Loving the LO.
I can leave comments on all three of the blogs you mention, but don't know why you can't.
Thanks for stopping by my blog.
Sue #12
Very nice layout! Sorry can't help with the comments.
Have a great week
Sharon K #40
Your sunflower page is really nice! Check out my blog from last Saturday about the Sunflower field I visited, all planted for children with cancer.
It was stunning! And your desk is very neat too!
Have a great week!
Chris P#34
Hi BJ sorry you had a long journey over at mine. I do know you can link to specific posts but some people who visit Wednesdays like to see other stuff too. Normally it's not a problem but this has been a manic week for me and I should have linked it separately so sorry for that. Have a great weekend, Angela x
Hi BJ, Those little lambs are adorable. Can't wait to see your page!!! Your card is so cute. You did such a fabulous job with those stars. I'm loving the hexagon shapes on the layout. Also is the white cardstock border and the flowers on yellow doodled or stamped? Gorgeous. Hugs, LisaDV#37
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