The sad sorry fact is no crafting yet again this week. So not the height of activity for this week's
My scrapbook layout lies there still unstuck.
There is a bunny for a 3rd birthday present. Couldn't resist it at the garden centre yesterday. What with all the bluebells about at present.

I made the card a while back in
WOYWW #356.
Just need to wrap it and post them by Friday....
I got these plants for the preschool garden.
And as for the Sunflower, it goes from strength to strength, I blogged
part 3 yesterday.
Good morning, BJ. Your sunflower is doing really well - hope it reaches great heights for you!! Some really nice photos on your post this week - we all have time when no crafting is done - but it's still good to see you here and see your shots.
Take care. God bless.
Margaret #5
What a lovely little post! I quite enjoyed this peek into your corner and I will be back to see that layout assembled...smile. Pop on over for a visit if you like... I too did not get much done this week. Scrapbook Lynne WOYWW #43
Oh that sunflower will be so worth it, the anticipation is such fun! T
Sunflowers are such fun, so much anticipation! Life sure does get in the way of the crafting, but moments of loveliness make up for it, I would have been just the same at the garden centre!
loving the sunflower updates! Hope you get some crafting soon, Helen #1
Sunflowers are such happy flowers. I'm hoping to plant some this year. LisaDV #36
I love sunflowers. Mine didn't do so well last year :( Not sure what I did wrong.
Have a great week. Hope you can get some crafty stuff done next week!
Sharon K #39
Hope you get chance to do some crafting soon. Have a great woyww and happy crafting, Angela x 24
Great photos! Your desk area looks very organized! Love that sweet bunny! Great spring flower photos too! Have a great rest of the week! Angie #47
adorable bunny - who could resist!!
Have a great day.
Diane - WOYWW #30
The bunny is so cute..... Loving the pictures of the flowers can not wait to pick up some myself. Have a great week Hugs ~Anne L#8
Giving a wave to you and your bunny friend. Susanne #29
Cute bunny, BJ, and I loved seeing your sunflowers in your previous post too! Thank you for your lovely comment and my apologies for taking so long to moderate it and reply. I've had an extremely busy week and it's taking me a while catching up with everything now. Happy belated WOYWW!
Shoshi #50
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