Yep absolutely NOTHING!
I don't think you can count the pile of A4 paper collected after my son covered my room in it for April Fool's Day.

Nor my new glasses ordered last Wednesday on-line and arrived the following day. They are a duplicate pair but I was still blown away with the service from the supplier.
Well I was tasked to join in WOYWW for a 3rd week in a row and I have. Best go do some crafting so I have something to show next week!
Hi BJ, lol at your son! Great service with the glasses, am bookmarking that, as they look to have great prices too. Have a great week, hugs, Shaz #9 xx
That IS a good service, wowser! Have put your link to them in my address book! Your soon"s April Fool was great...that's a lot of paper to gather up!! Glad you met your task, but a little concerned that you haven't had time to craft...you alright gal?
Love the April fools your son did. How cute is that? #52
That's too funny about your son covering your room in paper. I'll bet he didn't have to go searching for paper to find some to prank you with. PJ #57
Love your son's prank 😃😃😃. At least it was clean, dry paper...could have been a lot worse! I'm off to check out that glasses link...
Hugs, LLJ 16 xxx
I saw the pics of the paper on FB... the glasses are very good service.. nice that some people can still deliver. Looking forward to some crafting for next week! Helen #1
What a great prank. And looks like he was careful not to mess up your paper in the process. So after the joke it's still useable.
Have a great day.
Diane - WOYWW #30
:-) :-) :-) smiles at your your son's April Fool's trick !!! Thanks for popping by my blog. Anne x #38
Still chuckling at your son's April Fool's trick, BJ :) Though I wouldn't have been so amused if I was the one that had to pick up all that paper! That is excellent service from your glasses provider and how refreshing to see that they happily categorize some as 'cheap'. I like it when a spade is called a spade. Hope you find time to do a bit of crafting soon. Wishing you a wonderful week. Hugs, Elizabeth x #41
Oh dear, would your son have got away with it on another day?
Hugs & Thanks for the visit to mine.
Neet 3 xx
LOL good for your son! What a fun April Fools.
Have a great week
Sharon K #42
What a fun April Fools Day! You have just reminded me that I need to get new glasses. I just keep putting it off! ugh... Hopefully I can find someone with such great service as you did!
Happy Creative week to you!
Kim #66
I love your son, he's got a brilliant sense of humour. Thanks for the visit to mine and happy belated woyww, Angela x 24
What a cute April Fool's prank by your son. Those are the kind of pranks I wouldn't mind. You know.. like switching the cereal bags between boxes, or lids on ink pads, etc. then there are those that are just gross or mean. Nope.. those are not my style.
Congrats on the speedy service for your glasses. That is amazing! Creative Blessings, Kelly #40
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