The Bluebell Trail was at the end of April 2023, revisiting the woods we found on my birthday back in February.
May started with a First To Find (FTF) cache in my local Asda, right where I usually park too! My son and his mates in London and the King's Coronation. Followed by more caching and my husband visiting his sister "up north"The FABULOUS page scraps from the banners lead to a Christmas tree card and I made a 2nd whilst I was at it (Son and Husband sorted). I also made my son's Birthday card, using watercolour.I did weeks 47 & 48 for my #scripture52 challenge - just 4 weeks to go now to finish the year.
Week 4 of the Bible Journaling series on Being Prepared.
1 Peter 1:13
Therefore, with minds that are alert and fully sober, set your hope on the grace to be brought to you when Jesus Christ is revealed at his coming.
(expecting a bonus page today or tomorrow)
Advent starts on Sunday 3rd December so we'll be getting the tree on Saturday. Last year was the earliest Advent start (27th Nov and this year the latest).
I don't seem to have all the busyness everyone talks about, just having son home this year but everything else is as usual really.
Happy WOYWW Everyone.